Chapter 8 - Obliviate

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Weeks passed, and the school term was upon us. I stood in front of the door to Tom's quarters, waiting patiently as he did up the buttons on my shirt. Right now, the Hogwarts Express was probably pulling into Hogsmeade station.

The past few weeks had all been the same routine. Tom had stayed at Hogwarts, carrying out his business from his quarters and occasionally leaving to do unknown things outside the castle, leaving me to roam the school, usually choosing to sit by the lake or hang out in the abandoned library.

Sometimes I would go up to Gryffindor Tower; sometimes having a sad chat with the Fat Lady, other times just hanging out by myself in the common room, going up to the dormitories and laying in Fred's four-poster, burying my face in the pillows and covering myself in the blankets, though I didn't know why I was doing it.

But when Tom was here, he usually spent most of his time fucking me. Even when he was discussing his business with his Death Eaters, he'd have me on my knees in front of him. He'd been really into the pain kink lately, meaning that I now had several scars across my chest, the latest of which were in rough heart shapes, as per my request.

I was also most definitely pregnant. I had been vomiting non-stop for the past week every morning, but Tom always made sure to press another goblet of seductive liquid into my hands after I'd staggered from the bathroom, weak and shivering.

Tom finished buttoning my shirt and tucked it into my very short skirt. The pink clouds vibrated as his fingers traced over my hips, his scarlet eyes fixated beneath the hem of my skirt. He reached up, tightening my tie, and pulled my school cloak tight around me, fingers lingering on the scarlet and gold 'Head Girl' badge now gleaming beside my Quidditch Captain one.

"It will be very useful to have a student, of such great influence over the younger ones, completely under my control." Tom had told me with a smirk when he'd first presented the badge to me.

And at that, the pink clouds had flickered grey again. I'd never wanted to be Head Girl. In fact, I had had nightmares about it as a preteen.

"There. Perfect." Tom said smoothly, standing back and taking me in. "You look excellent, Daisy... hmm. Maybe I should have a little fun with you before the students arrive..."

But a knock came on the door, and a voice outside called, "The students have arrived into the Entrance Hall, My Lord."

Tom sighed irritably. "Fine." He raised his voice. "Take them all into the Great Hall and proceed with the Sorting. It is the most mundane thing to sit through, I do not care if Daisy misses it."

"Right away, My Lord." I heard scurrying footsteps echoing away from the door, and I turned to Tom.

"You wanted to have fun with me before I go?"

Tom smirked at my eagerness. "There is no time. You must go now. Go and sit with your fellow Gryffindors, lead the younger students to your Tower and show them to their dormitories. You are to return here before curfew."

"Yes, Tommy." I said, curtseying slightly, before making for the door. Tom held it open for me, and I could feel his red eyes boring into me from behind as I made my way down the corridor.

I reached the Entrance Hall in a few minutes, listening to the applause for someone getting sorted into Ravenclaw. I strode towards the doors, pushing them open and stepping inside.

Immediately, the Great Hall fell into a shocked hush. Everyone's faces were turned towards me; people's eyes were wide, their mouths hanging open, their expressions confused and horrified.

Then the whispering started as I walked towards the Gryffindor table.


"What is she doing here?"

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