Chapter 29 - Sorry

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I was enjoying catching up with my friends, going around the hut and greeting everyone personally, and eventually I retired to the corner, having a drink of Butterbeer with Draco, Blaise, and Louis.

"What happened to your hand?" Draco asked, his eyes on the bandage wrapped around my palm.

"Oh." I said, glancing down and withdrawing my hand, slipping it onto my lap underneath the table. "Er - well - Tom needed my blood for some Dark magic, or something."

"So he cut you?" Draco's eyebrows furrowed. "Why did he need YOUR blood?"

"I dunno, 'cause I was just there, I guess." I shrugged.

"Why couldn't he have fucked off and got someone else's?" He said angrily. "Or better yet, used his own?"

"You know why." I told him.

"Yeah, Draco, he's not going to use any effort or pain on his part to get what he wants when he could just use what's right in front of him." Louis sighed sadly. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Daze."

"It's not the worst thing that Tom's done to me." I muttered, taking a swig of Butterbeer. "Don't worry about it."

Blaise narrowed his eyes at me. "Why have you started calling him Tom again?"

I felt a shock go through me. I hadn't even noticed... and now they're all suspicious of me, aren't they? I didn't mean to call him by his first name... I can't even think back to when I first started calling him that when he captured me again...

"And why are you wearing that?" Blaise gestured at my sexy maid outfit. "Potter... has he put you on another love potion?"

I stared back at him. I wasn't sure how to tell him that the love potion wouldn't work on me. Not because I had beaten it. But because -

"I'm not in love with him!" I said hotly, taking another large swig. "I swear to Godric! He makes me clean his quarters, that's why he forces me to wear this."

"So you haven't had sex with him since you've been taken?" Blaise said.

My eyes were wide as I stared into his, feeling myself start to shake. Flashes went through my brain of Tom pounding into me from behind - of Tom's face between my thighs, his red eyes gleaming up at me wickedly - of Tom slamming into my face - of Tom rolling his hips into me, grabbing my legs, hoisting them around his waist -

"I - I -" I stammered. Blaise couldn't do Legilimency as far as I knew, but he could read me like a book. Something flickered behind his eyes, and his jaw dropped.

"You have! You absolutely have, haven't you?"

"Zabini - I -"

Blaise stood up, backing away from the table. He looked sickened.

"Voldemort's been RAPING Potter." Blaise hissed to the room. Almost immediately, the whole hut fell silent. "He's been forcing himself on her; look, she's too afraid to even admit it, in case he hears somehow."

"No - no - you've got it wrong -" I stood up too, my voice shaking. "He hasn't been raping me -"

"Fucking rapist piece of shit!" Ginny said loudly. Several people voiced their agreement with her angrily, and Blaise nodded, his eyes gleaming with fury and disgust.

It would have touched me in any other circumstance; my friends all getting so angry and protective over me. But I knew the reason why they were acting like this wasn't the truth - every sexual encounter I'd had with Tom since being kidnapped several weeks ago was consensual. He hadn't once forced himself on me.

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