Chapter 12 - Friends

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The last day Blue stayed at Dream's house ~ 9AM

Blue's View:
I had already finished packing the last few things and cooking a lovely breakfast for the others. I waited a bit but only Shattered came downstairs.

* Where's Dream...?

* He didn't want to come downstairs.

* He promised to finish our discussion from Wednesday. Can you try to persuade him please?

Shattered looked at me, annoyed, then nodded and went upstairs. A few minutes later, he came down with Dream. I took Dream by the hand and took him to my room, using magic to suppress sound and replace it with a fake motivational speech I was giving to him.

* Dream you don't have to live here with him if he's hurting you. But you have to tell me if he's doing something to you.

Dream looked confused.

* What do you mean? He hasn't done anything.

* Dream don't lie to me.

* I'm not lying.

I needed him to tell me the truth.

* You said you broke your arm by falling off a ladder? I looked everywhere, didn't find one. Also, you would've healed it by now, but you didn't. Dream please...I can't see you hide your pain like this...just tell me.

* Nothing is going on Blue.

* The room is sound suppressed, just tell me the truth. Nothing will happen to you, it's not your fault.

Dream began to laugh at those words.

* Haha...unlike you Blue, I have a twin that's out for revenge because of how blind I was. When he was suffering, I was out making everybody happy EXCEPT HIM. It's all my fault...and you will never be able to tell me otherwise.

Nightmare would be opening the portal any moment now.

* Dream, please...please tell me. We can make it so he'll never be able to lay a finger on you again.

* He's my friend, Blue! Nothing is happening between us!

There was a knock on the door, I undid the spell.

* You guys have been in there for an awfully long time.

* I was giving him a pep talk before I go...

Shattered opened the door, Dream and I turned our frowns into smiles. Nightmare opened the portal. Dream went to Shattered and Nightmare came and gave me a hug.

* How was your time here, my love?

* Amazing. 🙂

* We're glad you enjoyed your time here, we'll leave you both to move your things out.

Dream and Shattered left the room, closing the door behind them. Nightmare's face had changed.

* Well?

* Well what..?

* Your face. You saw something that I didn't, Nightmare.

* I don't know what you're talking about.

He finished collecting the boxes and took them, I followed behind him. Dream was in trouble...I could feel it.

Dream's View:
Shattered grabbed my shoulders and smashed me against the wall.

* What did he ask you.

* Blue asked me if everything was alright between you and I...

* Tell me what you said.

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