Chapter 32 - Reappear

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A week later...
Ink's View:
I was scrolling through my phone when I came upon an old group chat. Dream, Blue and I.

* Hey, Error?

* ?

* We should go visit Dream and Blue! I wonder what they've been doing for the past few years.

* You should be resting, Inky. You just finished having the flu.

* I'm fine! C'mon let's go.

Error and I teleported outside Nightmare's castle and knocked on the door.

We waited.
And waited.

Blue opened the door, smiling.

* Hi how may I- oh hi Ink! It's been ages! Come in.

We came inside and sat in the living room. A girl came running in.

* New people! Hi!!

Error looked at the girl then back at me, smiling.

* Hi, I'm Ink and this is Error! We used to work with Dream and Blue. 😊

* Yeah, I saw the pictures. Why did you guys stop working together?

She sat besides me, showing me a picture of us three...happy.

* It's a long and complicated story. 😅

Error looked at me.

* Are you ok?

* Hm? Yeah of course I am why wouldn't I be?

The girl ran off to get more pictures as Blue entered the room.

* Would you like to see Dream? He's asleep right now, recovering but..-

* Recovering? Did he have an accident?

Error asked and Blue nodded. Something wasn't right. We went upstairs and Blue opened the door into Dream's room. He was fast asleep with an IV attached to him and a heat pack on his back. He looked exhausted.

* If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Dream..?

Blue closed the door with magic.

* It's a long...and over complicated story...he was hurt, hurt really badly.

Error looked at Dream.

* He was raped.

Blue glared at Error. Wait..


* Yes Ink, he was. I don't think we should talk about it...

Dream opened his eyes, he still looked exhausted.

* Oh...hi Ink and Error...

He sat at on his bed, trying to act normal. My head began to spin with all this information. Blue had a child...all that happened to Dream...Nightmare hadn't come to get us yet...

* Ink?

I turned so my back was to the others before vomiting on the floor. Error used magic and made a paper bag for me to puke in.

* Sorry..-

* It's alright, I know sometimes you get too overwhelmed.

Dream sat up and turned to the side of the bed. He looked at the IV before taking a long sigh.

* Is Cross home..?

Blue squeezed the bag so more medicine could go into the IV.

* He'll be home soon, he's out on a mission with Nightmare.

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