Chapter 22 - Privalage

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Nightmare's View:
I pushed him off as we ended up at the tree.

* Dream take us back, you don't know what you're doing.

He ignored my words and grabbed a black apple from the tree. The glitches surrounded it. Dream started walking towards me.

* Dream...Dream you have to stop this.

My tentacles sharpened but it didn't frighten him.

* Dream, stop!

He grabbed me but my tentacles grabbed it and threw him back. He growled and teleported behind me, grabbing my neck.

* If you ȁ̴͖̞̝̻̲t̷̛͈̘̯̦̺̟͈̦̘̃̈́̍̈̉͛̄ͅt̸̘̯̙͉̄̚a̵̟͈̓̉̾͜ck, I'll make sure Dream sees you get i̸̢̫͌͂̂͛͋̓͐͝n̵̨̐́̈́̇̏̽̽f̸̪̰̦̠̫̦̈́́e̷̛̠͈̰̗̻̟̫̐́̈́̆̈́c̴̱̮̳̦͚̥̥͓̬̀̌̓t̷̩̏̕͝ę̸̡̙̟̀̆͒͒d̷̛̞͗̎͗̾̀̄ with this v̵͈͉̩͎̖̂́̊͆̈ǐ̵̗̺̘̰̻rus just as badly.

He offered me the apple and I gulped as I took it from him.

* Eat it up, brother.

He forced me to take a bite and swallow...

I heard a gun shot before he fell to the floor.

I stood still.

* Nightmare?!

The sound of their footsteps got quieter and quieter.

[ * Why ̷͈͚͕̮̊̋̓̾̀̚͝ḓ̸͕̗̽̀͒̒̓͌̀̕ͅo̸̧͉̗̹͋̚ǹ̵̯̓̅'̴̰̽̒̇̄̔̑̚͝t ̷̡̢̗̘̤͇̐͗̄̅we̵͕͒̐̈́̏͠ ̸̡̹͓͉̇̈́̎͛̈́͘͘p̴̼̐̽̌̎͆̊l̷̨̳̻̮̄́̉͜ā̵̫̪̯̥̹̬́́̉͗̆͠ͅy̶̢͚͈̟̺̰͆́̐̿̃̂ ̴̞̮͖͙͙̺̭͌̂̀̎a̵̯͔̮̥̩͌̽͒͘ ̵̺̖̬̫͓̫͊̏̇̈̈́͛̂g̴͖̫̯̟̣̎̐̈́̏́̕͝ͅa̵̬̭̯̱͌͆́̔me...̵̢͉̜͇͆͒̓̏͆͂̄͊~̷̛̯͖̦̱̖́͊̀̀̓̂͘͝]

Everything went black and soon enough, I could hear Dream's voice. He was screaming, begging, pleading.


He was being forced to watch the glitch, how it was hurting others. The tremendous amount of negativity he was giving out - although satisfied me - made me feel sorry for him.

[Watch him. You've always wanted revenge, right?]

I turned around to see Shattered, smirking.

* Of course this is your doing.

[Well, I wasn't planning to leave my little light alone...~]

I punched him hard across the face but before I could lay another, he clicked his fingers, locking me in a cage.

[I mean let's be honest Nightmare, you have no proper reason to save him.]

* I don't need to give you my explanation.

[He hurt Blue, made him work without stopping even though he could SEE the pain Blue was having. After he got rid of his first child, DREAM still made him suffer. Dream bullied him, made him feel worthless and unneeded and you STILL want to save him?]

I clenched my fists.

* None of that was Dream, that was all YOU!

[Oh really..?]

With a blink of an eye, we were in the last of Dream's memory.

The Past:
* Does he hate me...?

[Blue? I dunno.]

* Blue just stood there watching as Killer almost killed me...

[I could help.]

* ...How so?

[You look so tired, let me take over for you, okay?]

* Can you?

[You ate the apple seven months ago, have I done anything bad?]

* I guess not..

[Exactly. Someone needs to have to guts to step up and tell him what's right.]

* I trust you.

The present:
* That wasn't his choice! You made him believe you were going to do good!

[After he saw how sad 'I' made Blue, he still continued to let me partially take control.]

* ...That's not true.

[Oh yeah? Did Dream just get meaner on his own?]

* ...

He was right. It made sense. Well, most of it did. A screen appeared in front of me and all the times when Dream hurt or mistreated Blue were right front of me. I didn't realise how much he had done to Blue...

Demotivating him..
Verbally abusing him...
Shutting him down...

I blinked again and there we were. Dream stood in front of me, holding his bow and arrow.

Don't let him get away.

He aimed.

He can't always win..

My tentacles grabbed Dream, throwing him into the corner of the room. He struggled to get back up but I couldn't care less. I went closer and closer to him, but this time a tremendous amount of negativity. I could see his mouth moving, screaming, but I couldn't hear him.

I didn't care.

Dream's View:
Nightmare's eyes went a bright gold and he began to fight me. What had he seen?!

* N-Nightmare! Stop!

I began to get up after he had thrown me into a corner. The negativity suddenly became unbearable and I couldn't bare it. I fell back to the floor in so much pain, begging for his forgiveness. Anything.

Blue's View:
Nightmare and Dream were in two different capsules and Sci had his eyes on them. He had to stay sitting down because Dream had given him quite the concussion beforehand...

* Are they okay...?
Cross asked, worried.

Sci shrugged and looked at the monitors. Suddenly, Dream's one began to beep loudly. He tried to wake him up but nothing was working. Nightmare's soul darkened and streaks of negativity began to spread in streaks on Dream's soul. Then, Nightmare's monitor began to beep.

* Sci, we need to help them!!

Horror tried to break open the capsule but it didn't work.

I needed to do something.

Dream's View:
Shattered grabbed my badly bruised body and forced me up to face Nightmare.

[Let me have him. Let me have him where you'll never have to see him again.]

My vision was very blurry was Nightmare's was clearly being hypnotised, controlled, forced.

[He'll never be able to hurt Blue again.]

Nightmare glitches before he disappeared.

[My little light...]

Shattered began to heal me while touching me like rubbing my shoulders. Before I could attack him, he inject me with some kind of paralysis medicine.

[This time nobody can save you...nobody can defend you.]

He tied me up and left me on a prison cell floor. It was cold and dusty. I deserved this after all, right?

I was a criminal.
A terrible friend.
A horrible brother.
And an unforgivable excuse of a person.

I didn't deserve the privilege I was born with.

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