Chapter 66 - Pretend

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Ink's View:
I saw one of my old paintings get destroyed. A very significant one. I looked down in guilt and sadness.

Error's being unreasonable!
I'm disgusted by his behaviour.
Aww c'mon guys let's all be happy!
We could've done something...

I began to cry unexpectedly, maybe it was the painting, maybe it was Error...I didn't know. I felt two hands on my shoulders before two hugs.

Dream and Blue.

One Month Later

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One Month Later...


Outer's View:
I was snacking on some broccoli and hot sauce and Killer came into the living room.

* Hey babe. :)

He kissed me before sitting down next to me.

* Ah, titanic. What a uh...lovely movie-

* I know right! It's my all time favourite at the moment.

I snuggled closer to Killer and he laid his hand on my tummy. We were more than half way through and everything had been going well. Although there was one thing that concerned me. Ink and Error were acting good but Ink seemed sad when Error was around. Not a sad like he missed 'em, but a betrayal like sadness.

* Hey you two! :)

Ink came into the room with Jammy, who looked adorable walking, keeping his grip tight on his parent.

* Hiya, Error went with Nightmare to finish some business so we decided to come downstairs. :)

* Ah I see, that explains all the calls Nightmare sent in the last ten minutes. Aha...

* Killer.

* Yes my love?

* Go and do your job!

* A- Yes my love!

Killer teleported off, leaving me, Ink and Jammy alone in the living room.

* You wanna tell me what been going on now..?

Ink looked up from Jammy to me.

* What?

* Did someone happen with you and Error?

* Oh yeah, but we talked it out. No need to worry!

* I can't help but feel that he's gotten over it, but it impacted you you wanna talk about it?

He shook his head no.

* I love Error very much, and the good thing about our relationship is that we have fallouts that we can talk about and resolve. Then, we leave it in the past, because cling onto it for too long and it's hard to let go.

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