Chapter 29 - Danger

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Dream's View:
I woke up, it was cold and dark. I dragged myself out of the tunnel and realised I was in some forest. Getting up to walk was a pain. I slumped against a big tree.

'St-Stay still!' A voice exclaimed towards me.

I used the little magic and energy I had left to clean myself up. I turned around.

'Who are you..?' She aimed her gun at me.

* I...I-I'm not here t-to hurt you...

I dropped back down to the ground. She ran to me.

'Mum! Dad!' She yelled and footsteps came towards us.

I heard two gasps.

'That's the guardian of positivity. Quick, let's get him inside.'


They helped me inside their house and sat me down, giving me a cup of water.

'Are you okay...your majesty?' The dad asked me, taking my temperature.

It took a few minutes for me to calm when.

* Yes...yes. I'm sorry for bothering you..I don't even know where I am..

'It's alright deary. It's a pleasure to have you here!' The mother gave me a fluffy warm blanket.

'You're on the outskirts of this timeline.'

* Oh Jeez...I need to get home..

'Start with us till morning, pretty please!' The girl said, her positivity giving me back a great amount of energy.

I agreed to stay the night.

Shattered's View:
I made sure the twins were fast asleep before going down to give Dream his dinner. I opened the door, but Dream wasn't there.


No response. The trapdoor was slightly opened and a glass shards laid on the floor, covered in a bit of blood. Anger rose inside of me. It was clear that the only thing to get Dream to behave was when he was the pregnant. When he was helpless. When his only instinct was to protect and stay comfortable. It was too late to go searching for him and I was tired, my magic wouldn't be very accurate.

Finding him tomorrow was my only option.

The next day ~ 7AM
Blue's View:
I was cooking breakfast when Luna came into the kitchen.

* Good morning sweetheart. 😊

* Gooood morning!

She took two pieces of toast and some of the scrambled eggs.

* We need to save Dream, Mother.

I turned to face Luna.

* We've been through this Luna, you're not going back to that house.

* But Dream is in danger!

* They have a family Luna...Dream wouldn't want to abandon family.

There was a knock on the door. The aura coming from the door made both our eyes widen.

* Is that-

Luna bolted off to open the door; I ran after her.

* Luna, NO!

She opened the door and there's stood Shattered with the twins.

[I promised you a play date with your cousins.]

I shot a death glare at Shattered and he simply just smirked. Luna let them into the living room where was sat down to 'talk'.

* I'm so excited, your house is so big!

* Gee thanks guys, wanna go play in the play room?

The twins nodded and the children went off upstairs.

It was just me and Shattered.

* You know very well that you aren't welcome here.

[I came to drop off the twins.]

* And Dream?

[Dream is fine.]

* Yeah, I highly doubt that Dream is fine with the guy who raped him.

[You better watch your mouth Blue, karma's a massive bitch.]

* Get out of my house.

Shattered left.

Dream's View:
I woke up to a wonderful smell. I noticed there was a bandage on my ankle and arm. I limped downstairs.

'Good morning, Dream!' The little girl exclaimed, handing me a fruit smoothie and toast.

* Good morning 🙂.

She handed me a bag. I sat down to eat.

* We're gonna miss you Dream, we really appreciate everything you do for people!

* Awww, I'll try to visit when I can. I'm sorry my visit was cut so short, I just really need to get back to my family. 😅

* Family is always first. The sacrifices we make to make sure family is happy is always key. That's what my father always told me.

The girl gave me a big hug and I hugged back. I took the bag and waved goodbye. My energy and magic was still recovering a bit so I had to walk some of the way. It was pretty cold but not windy.

I turned a corner before hearing a voice.

"Well well well, who do we have here?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It wasn't a skeleton...was it a wolf? I gulped.

"The guardian of positivity, hm?" Another voice said.

I turned around to see two wolves, grinning.

* ..Good morning, nice to meet you. ☺️ I should be in my way, my family await my presence...have a nice day!

I began to walk away but one of them grabbed my arm.

"I heard...that you felt really good.." he made me face them again and his smirk widened.

* I...I d-did?

As soon as I felt a hand on my hip, I bolted. This couldn't be happening, not again, I couldn't do this again. My magic was coming back just a little bit. I tried teleporting but failed miserably. I took another turn and there one of them were, crossing their arms. I backed up only to bump into the other.

"Where do you think you're going, sunshine?"

"We were just getting started..."

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