Chapter 93 - Gentle

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One Week Later...


Error's View:
I hadn't left Ink's side since his episode the week before. Sci was scanning his brain activity. He was laid down, his head on my lap. We were on the carpet floor, a position and area Ink was relaxed and comfortable in.

* Much better than yesterday actually. :)

* Good...that's good.

Ink looked up at me and smiled before closing his eyes again. Five months along...

Ink's behaviour was unexplainable and it was filling us all with concern. I had to make sure he had eaten before I go for a mission; I had to make sure he was asleep before I went to sleep. Whatever or whoever was causing this would pay dearly. But for now, my primary task was to keep him comfortable. Jammy entered the room with some cupcakes giving one to each person and leaving the last for himself.

* Thanks Jamster!

I exclaimed. Ink sat up to eat it and Sci observed him closely.

Nightmare's View:
* Horror, I give you permission to ask her out!

* She's out of my league

* If you don't then I'll do it for you-

* No! I'll do it soon...

I rolled my eyes before smiling at Horror as he went through his portal.

Horror's View:
I went through my portal and went to another timeline.

Her timeline.

I knocked on her door and waited patiently. She opened the door and smiled joyfully.

It warmed my heart.

"Hey Horror! Come in, I missed you. :)"

We went to the kitchen and saw she was baking.

* It smells nice...

"Aww thanks! I'm trying a new chocolate cupcakes recipe with a secret ingredient."

* Which is..?

"Well that would ruin the whole purpose of it being a secret!" She giggled, giving me a cupcake.

We are together and went out into the garden and sat down.

" have you been?"

* Better than last time actually. Y'know, I really can't thank you enough for being someone amazing I can rely on...

"The pleasure is all mine, after you saved me, I knew it was worth getting to know you, and...I regret none of it." She said, smiling at me.

I couldn't help but smile back. I...I couldn't even take my eyes off her...

"Hey Ellie, hey Horror!" Amelia said, coming outside.

We immediately looked at her, acting like we were never staring at each other lovingly or something.

* Ehe...hi.

"Hey sis, did you try my cupcakes?"

"Sure did, they were amazing!"

Amelia had brought a board game outside and we all played together.

Dream's View:
I finished giving the children their lunch and Cross hugged me from behind.

* Hi sweetheart. :)

* Hi. Let's go upstairs..

I turned around and hugged him before we walked upstairs.

* Last time you said this, it was to watch a movie Cross...

* Heh...I thought about what you said, and I'm all for having baby number four...but are you ready for it?

Was I?

* Before...y'know...we had sex but we never had it after you were finally saved once and for all.

* Cross that was so long ago. I think I can handle it. :)

Could I?

* Are you sure..? I don't push boundaries...

* You're the gentlest person I know Cross, I'm not worried.

I used magic to lock the door and went to Cross, kissing him.

Killer's View:
I parked the car and Outer got Noir out of his car seat.

* Excited?

* To met an old friend of yours or to try the menu?

* Heh, both.

Noir had woken up from his nap and was in quite the mood. Outer gave him to me and we walked across the parking lot. I opened the door and the little bell rang.

* Coming!

We heard a bit of shuffling before Ccino came out, smiling.

* Ohmygod- Killer! It's so nice to see you!

I smiled, it was nice to see Ccino after so many years.

* You too, this is Outer and our child Noir.

* Nice to meet you Outer! I remember Killer used to always talk about you, I knew you two were meant for each other! :)

Outer blushed and looked over at me.

* 😅

Noir gave his classic quiet growl.

* He just woke up. ;w;

Ccino laughed a little before taking Noir and carrying him.

* I want you guys to try my newest chocolate cake recipe and classic vanilla milkshake!

* Sure, that sounds lovely!

Outer and I sat down and we watched as Noir became a lot more smiley now that he was in Ccino's arms.

* I guess Noir's made a new friend, heh.

* Aww yeah, it's adorable! And this cafe is so beautiful. You should've taken me here ages ago!

* We can come more often if you'd like. :)

* That would be wonderful. ❤️

Ccino gave us our slices of chocolate cake and our milkshake before using magic to drag a high chair out for Noir.

Outer's View:
We were all talking happily when Killer asked a question that made both Ccino and I pause.

* Do you feel like moving to this area made you feel safer?

Safer? Was Ccino in danger previously?

* I..uh..- yeah a lot safer!

He hesitated.

* Are you sure? We can ask Nightmare to boost your security around here. :)

* No no, that won't be necessary!

I looked at Killer before looking back at Ccino. I used silent magic to look into his memories and to be fair, it did make me a little sad...

I left his mind and they were both looking at me.

* Sorry...I was deep in thought. 😅

Noir giggled as he ate the chocolate cake messily.

* Oh Noir...

The mood lightened again and that made Ccino happier.

Maybe it was time I made a new friend. :)

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