Chapter 2 : Kaliyuga

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My morning was itself very hectic .I sat down with all my Accountancy and Maths books .But the thing is ,I love Commerce because of Krishna. He was the king of Dwarka and of course a great statesman.He was aware of all trading practices ,since Dwarka at that time was a trading centre and now also it is .I also read somewhere that Draupadi ,also known as 'Panchali' (princess of Panchal Kingdom) was also well versed in the art of accounts .Great ! Now I was bringing Mahabharata into my academic syllabus .

"Somebody looks distracted ,huh?"

Words began to echo in my mind .I stopped writing all of a sudden ..My mother who was doing her morning chores ,stopped and looked at me with curiosity "What is it ?" .She questioned me .I looked at her as if she had asked me an alien question. "Don't be so lost ,you will loose your concentration on your studies otherwise" ,saying this to me ,she continued her duties .I came back to my senses .I better do my studies. But another voice came over inside me .

"Mahabharata is in each one's life sakhi .You just need to identify it ."

Krishna ...............
It was him ,sitting inside and ruling over my mind like a king .I felt happy about it .
Time flew fast . "Radhe Radhe Ram Ram !" The sudden voice of my father woke me up from my deep meditation about my studies . My mother and I  both wished him the same .It was our habit to wish morning ,afternoon and evening by calling out God's name .I had numerous work to do .Yoga was still pending. Then to go for my online classes . I had no time to wonder about Mahabharata or Krishna during my routine . Then by evening I got some time to be free .Painting was my main concern . 'Painting for a day ,keeps all tension away'. This was my policy .

"Will you paint Mahabharata ?"

Mahabharata......the mysterious epic which I was getting attracted to every second .But keeping Mahabharata inside me won't allow me to do my duties .Oh Krishna ,don't remind me of the epic .I never stay in reality and start imagining the world of  Mahabharata ,the epic battle between the Pandavas and Kauravas .I imagine how the kingdoms of Hastinapur ,Indraprastha ,Panchal ,Gandhar ,Anga Desh ,Matsya ,Dwarka ,Sindhu ,Chedi ,Pundru and Udupi would look like .These all kingdoms are there in the epic which I mentioned ,according to my knowledge.

I am lost again ! If I get lost in Mahabharata ,I never come back to reality since I love to stay in the epic atmosphere. I am madly in love with Mahabharata.

Dawn became dusk and I had completed my dinner .I went to my room and there when I opened my closet ,my Krishna was there .I made his statue out of toothpicks and paper mache . I sat before him and looked in his eyes .He was totally mysterious but handsome.His eyes were surely speaking something,but I couldn't find it out .I folded my hands and wished him good night by making him sleep ,on a cloth bed .My cupboard was his room .Before leaving my room ,I looked back once .I got a strange feeling ,as if somebody was staring at me .........
Could it be Lord Krishna himself ?

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