Chapter 10 :Arjuna

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Meeting the Pandavas ! The story was going more interesting.....
While going to the forest ,I had spent some quality time with Krishna......we were chitchatting....
"Can I ask you something ,Krishna ?"

"Go Ahead"

"How come you handle situations in life ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"Look , you are the king of Dwarka and of course you have to handle many matters regarding your kingdom and people .Also since you've built a beautiful island kingdom ,many kings of Bharatvarsh are extremely jealous of you .Jarasandh has almost invaded your kingdom 18 times ... Before all this ,you left your home ,Vrindavan ,your mother and father ,your sakhas and sakhis ,cows and most importantly ,you've left Radha .Now also you will be handling the situations in the Kuru Dynasty as well .....Then Shishupal will insult you so badly in front of everyone....then you have to again protect Dwarka from Shalva ......Your life has been full of difficulties,still you are so stress free .....HOW ?"

"You think so much about me lovely ....
Anyways ,the answer for your query is 'smile'...." Krishna replied

"What !? How can you do that ?You can't just smile always Krishna ,keeping your big stresses inside...."

"Why can't you ? There is nothing called  'problem' in life ,Godha's just a situation .
In fact ,it's our mind which misunderstands each situation in life as a problem ." He replied

"I get so many stresses regarding my studies ....Especially accounts.....why do I take everything in life so much seriously and stressful
Why Krishna it is like that for me ?"

"Because you fight your life ,instead of living with peace and acceptance. You try to resist and escape the situations ,tough situations in life ...
But ,some situations brings out the good in you .Big questions in life never exist without an answer .So instead of getting scared and stressed ,try to find the answer with a smile . And smile here means that keep your mind with a positive approach .When it can work for me ,it will work for you too ......."

"But you are a supreme being ,you are God ....that's why you could achieve it ...."

"Is it ? Do you really think I used my divine powers in each situation ? I killed the evils with my powers ,but while facing insults and pains I never did . I killed Shishupal with my chakra ,but before that I listened to each and every insulting word which he spoke about me in front of a whole court ....Some even supported him in his every action ,the ones who were against me .If I used my Godly powers each and every time ,why should I feel the pain and separation from my beloved ones in Vrindavan , why should I face various threats from kings ,or why should an arrow pierce my foot and give me pain ,at the end ? Godha ,I could have eliminated these emotions and pains and insults instantly ,if I used my powers every time .But to teach the mankind about life ,I used my powers in a limit and lived a life of a mortal ."

Oh Krishna.....I felt sorry for him ..
"Still ,if you fight each hurdle in life with courage ,bravery and are sure to win !" Krishna was still bright and happy ,even knowing that his life was going to be tough towards the end .
"But why does stress occur ?" I asked
"Because you imagine things ,things that are not even real .The reality is something else ,and your mind thinks something different .And let me tell you ,whatever your mind imagines life to be ,is not true .Because ,it never accepts the reality .You try to create life according to your expectations ,but you know very well that we all are bounded by karma .Everything is already decided and it will happen ,whatever's meant to be .So instead of brooding over the far future ,stay happy every second in life ,you know life is too short ....."
He further continued "A river is the best example for life .It never knows which way it will flow .But still it flows with beauty and grace .Sometimes it encounters many rocks and splashes against them ,but still it flows .Many storms occur and makes the river go wild .But after all these adventures ,the river keeps moving and finally reaches it's ultimate destination ,it's ultimate master which is the ocean .You understand ?"

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