Chapter 13: Journey to Hastinapur

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"So ,now where are we going next ?" I asked .
"To the forest ......" Krishna said
"But why there ? We had just gone there before the swayamvara ...."
"Yes ...but now many unusual events might be happening there as we speak .That's why we're going .." His face was serious now .
I actually understood what was going to happen .
As we reached the hermitage of the Pandavas ,to my shock Panchali was sitting near the entrance of the hut ,crying and weeping .A woman who was happy and grateful till now ,became so sad and gloomy that her reddish eyes were filled with tears .The flowers in her hair started to fall down ,and her lips were trembling with fear and sadness .Kunti was also there ,who was sitting beside her and pacifying . When Arjuna had brought Draupadi to the hermitage ,Kunti was involved in her prayers and meditation . She never turned to look ,and asked her sons to share whatever Arjuna had brought .But when she realised that it was Draupadi  ,Kunti was in an extreme state of guilt and sorrow .After realising that Krishna had come ,Kunti ran towards him and fell at his feet .
"Oh Krishna ! What I have done ! Because of my ignorance ,today Draupadi is in this state .What I have done !" She cried .
Krishna felt sorry for both of them .He held Kunti and spoke in a compassionate manner
"Dear aunt ,don't feel sorry .Some things are meant to happen and no one can change what is already destined .Have courage .This is not your mistake ."
Saying this ,Krishna looked at Draupadi ,who was looking at him helplessly .
"Oh Govinda ! What should I do now ? Why do I have to face such situations.
Oh Madhava ! I knew you'd come and solve this problem .I shall not take any decision without your advise ." Draupadi sobbed .
"Panchali ! First let me tell me you about your previous birth .You were a tapasvani ,who had done various austerities and meditation to please Lord Shiva .Pleased by your unconditional devotion ,he appeared before you and asked for a boon .In return ,you asked him for a husband who is Intelligent ,Brave ,Skilled ,Handsome and Wise .
Lord Shiva ,therefore blessed you that in the next birth you shall have five such husbands ,each possessing the quality that you specified .And that's why ,today it is like that for you ." Krishna replied

"But Krishna ,how is this possible ....." Everyone asked

" Acceptance is the only solution for this situation .Draupadi shall marry all the 5 Pandavas .She'll stay and be the wife of a single Pandava a year .If the rule is broken ,the respective brother must go for an exile of a year as a penalty ."

Everyone looked at Krishna and accepted the situation with a heavy heart .For Draupadi it was most difficult .Hence ,it was finally decided that Draupadi shall marry all the Pandavas .
On the day of her wedding ,Draupadi married all the 5 Pandavas together.

"Now what ?" I asked Krishna.
"It's time to return to Hastinapur back ......" He answered .
The brothers prepared their horses and chariots .Unlike their previous garb ,now they were dressed in regal ,heavy silks ,and they themselves looked like demigods .For Draupadi ,a beautifully decorated palanquin was ready .I kept looking at the palanquin . "You also want to go in that ?" Krishna asked me ,with a smiling face . "Oh no no ,I am going to come with you ,in your chariot !" I replied cheerfully .
His golden ,shining and marvellously sculpted  chariot was ready .It was driven by 4 handsome and milky white stallions .They were Krishna's favourite horses and they themselves looked very divine .Before mounting on his chariot ,he lovingly caressed his horses .How lucky they were ,to be serving the lord of the three worlds ! I could give anything to become one of the horses .
"Do they have names ?" I asked him .
"Yes ..... Saibya, Sugriva, Meghapushpa, and Balahaka.
"So divine names ! When I go near them ,I can experience the same radiance and aura ,which I experience when I stay near you Krishna ....." I told as I went near the stallions and touched them .
"Ah ! Is it so ?" He answered as he climbed up the chariot .
"Because they are your horses Krishna and anything/anyone  which/who belongs to you ,also becomes beautiful and divine because of your grace !" I happily said .
"So it means ,that you are also beautiful my dear ! Because you belong to me fully !" Krishna said as he extended his hand towards me and signalled me to climb up his chariot .I couldn't suppress my smile and laughter ,and cheerfully put my hands in his blue lotus hands .
Having Krishna inside our mind and heart makes us beautiful in every way ,because of his divine love and grace .For me ,Krishna's love is the most precious thing ever
I saw Draupadi coming out from the palace ,who was draped in heavy bridal silk ,even heavier than the one which she wore on her Swayamvara day .So beautiful she was ,that she herself looked like Goddess Mahalakshmi .Big ,golden necklaces ,chokers and chains ,with precious gemstones studded over it covered her neck and shoulders .After bidding farewell to her family ,she walked towards the palanquin gracefully .She was a queen now .
After everything got settled ,we started to Hastinapur .I was very much happy ,because I accompanied my Madhava in this long journey .And Ofcourse ,I was really eager to see the kingdom of Hastinapur .
"So ,when will we reach Hastinapur !?" I asked him .
"It will take a few days for sure .We've just started !" Krishna exclaimed
He was right .We hadn't even crossed the boundaries of the Kingdom yet ,and I got impatient so soon !"
Panchal was itself a very vast kingdom .People on the streets gathered to witness the five valiant warriors ,their Princess who had become a regal queen ,and to behold the beauty and divinity of my lotus eyed lord .Krishna's enchantment had touched people's hearts and they all came forward to see him . Krishna smiled at everyone ,and as he smiled he took away all the pains and miseries of every person .I was extremely proud to be his devotee .Flowers and colours were showered on everyone ,as it was a joyous moment to be celebrated .The scenario was bright and vibrant .As I turned back ,I realised that we were accompanied by some of Krishna's ministers ,who followed his chariot at a few distance .
The journey to Hastinapur was an amazing one ,especially for me because I had again got a quality time to spend with my Krishna .
In between we stopped to take rest ,or to have food .Guards were present in all the four directions around us ,and the security was very powerful. We crossed many small villages ,valleys ,rivers ,mountains .I was enjoying the nature's aesthetic and the scenic beauty .The sky was full blue just like Krishna ,and in the evening it would become pinkish purple with slight yellow shade .Sometimes I would talk without a stop ,or at times I would sleep deeply with my head resting on Krishna's shoulder .He was calmly driving his chariot .

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