Chapter 20 :Magical boat ride and quality time in Bet Dwarka

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Krishna took me towards a beautiful swan boat ,which was fully made of gold and precious gemstones .It was big ,and majestic . I was amazed ,because I never thought that the boat itself would be so grand .
Krishna climbed up inside the boat and extended his hand towards me .
"Are you ready ,my dear .."
"Yes ,Yes !" I was excited and he pulled me up in the boat .The seat was beautiful ,with a cushiony effect .
"Where are the ores ? I'll help you to row the boat ." I asked .
"Oh ,here they are ...but we just don't need them now .I'll ask Vayu (God of wind ) to move the boat with a gentle breeze ,so you just enjoy the ride ." Krishna said in a calm tone .
He was amazing . He controlled all the elements of nature with ease .
The city was beautiful in the evening .The sky's colour was a combination of pink ,purple and blue ....along with yellow shades and clouds .I could see some stars too ,shining like diamonds .The buildings of Dwarka glowed ,and looked more like buildings of gold .Lights glowed everywhere ,in every house .I could see people standing at their balconies ,spending quality time .The market area was busy ,the ports were busy loading goods .But on the whole ,the kingdom looked magnificent and divine .
"So ,how do you like it ?" He asked me
"It is beautiful .....and divine ...but as I always say Krishna ,Dwarka looks even more divine and celestial when you are present .....!" I said
"Ah .....I see .Must say Godha ,you really include my name in every conversation of yours ....frequently. You can't think of anything else except me ,can you ?" Krishna asked me ,with his enchanting eyes blinking .
"Krishna ,what else is there in the universe without you ? You are everything ,so I really wish that my mind doesn't think anything except you and your love for me .I don't want any rubbish ,unwanted thoughts and imaginations to come in my mind and disturb my meditation upon you ." I said .
"True ....and yes you can control that talkative mind of yours with constant practice .
Mind can be annoying and can be tough to control initially.....but when you learn to control it ,you will feel peace and eternal bliss around you in every circumstance and you will not overreact  .Your mind shall become your greatest friend and power ,if you guide it through the right path ." Saying this he picked up a lotus from the water surface ,which was floating calmly close to our boat .
"Learn to be like the lotus flower ,Godha .No matter with how much force water current flows ,no matter how strong the wind breeze is ,no matter how much ever mud and dirt is there near it ,the flower remains still ,calm and composed .The flower is so calm and serene in fact ,that it enchants the eyes of those who see it .It never overthinks or complaints about its circumstances or about it's surroundings .It grows in the muddy water ,and yet it stays as the most beautiful and enchanting flower ." Krishna said while caressing the petals of the lotus .
Krishna's beautiful words echoed through my mind and body .I felt really pacified .
I gave him a smile filled with gratitude and happiness . He leaned towards me and fixed that lotus flower in my hair .
"There look beautiful .....and make sure you be like the lotus flower always ..."
"And you too make sure that when I become the lotus ,you must always keep me with yourself in your hand ." I smiled ,and blushed a little .

(Credits to the creator 👆)The sky was getting dark ,and then it was filled with stars

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(Credits to the creator 👆)
The sky was getting dark ,and then it was filled with stars .In fact ,I could see the whole Milky Way ....because during those times air was so clean and clear ,that one could see a sky filled with stars of different sizes .
I kept on staring at the sky ,and the moment was very celestial.
Then I slowly looked down and my eyes looked into Krishna's lotus eyes .His eyes looked into mine .Inside his beautiful enchanting eyes ,I could see the whole universe ,the whole multiverse infact .....which contained thousands of galaxies and systems ,formation and destruction of planets ,collision of stars....many other mysterious things of space
Then I saw my image in his eyes .
Krishna cleared his throat and made me to comeback to the reality .
"Are you lost ?" He asked
"Yes I am lost your eyes ,in you Krishna .....your eyes enchant me like always ." I replied with a laugh.
Then I took the golden flute of his out ,which I had kept with me safely all the time .
"Here ,can you play the flute ? Enchant the whole world with your melodious music Krishna ..." I gave it to him .
"Oh ,you have kept it safely with you ....that's good . Anyways ,I was going to ask for it because I am in the mood for it .Glad you brought it with you ." He took it .
Before blowing air in it ,he took a deep breath and closed his eyes (perhaps he would think of Radha before playing the flute ,for she lives in it ...)
As he blowed slowly ,beautiful and melodious notes of music started to come out .
His fingers controlled the the holes of the flute with much grace ......
Swans started to come near our boat .Parrots were flying in a circular pattern above us .Fireflies started to fly everywhere around us ,some even sitting on Krishna's flute .The lighted the atmosphere and made it more magical .
Fishes would jump out of the water surface frequently ,only to hear my Lord's melody .
All the creatures were fascinated by my Lord's performance and his divine beauty .I kept looking at Krishna's face . He became even more radiant and he himself glowed like a sapphire in the moonlight .His aura was now powerful and supreme .He is the supreme enchanter ,all pervasive and the one who possesses infinite forms .
My eyes were filled with tears of Krishna's love and bliss .
He opened his eyes and looked at me straight .His glances while playing the flute were so charming and delightful .

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