Chapter 3 : Trip to the ancient battlefield

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"Soon you will come to your desired place Godha . There I will be waiting for you .You will see the Mahabharata with your very own eyes .But no one will be able to see you ........
Soon you shall know why the Mahabharata became an example for the mankind in this Kaliyuga .
Draupadi's Vastraharan ,the gambling ,the bloody war ,formation of Indraprastha ,the burning of house in Varnavat and the divine gospel of Gita ,everything happened for a reason and you will witness it with your own eyes ,but being unnoticed by anyone .
I shall wait for you to step in the holy land of Kurukshetra ,where one night I'll secretly take you to the era of Mahabharata . The epic awaits for you to come .
Be prepared !"
Krishna's voice echoed in my heart a hundred times . It was a dream I was awake ,as it was 5.30 AM .My relatives were coming to my home after their wonderful stay in Vrindavan and Mathura to visit the most awaited place - Kurukshetra.

My exams were over ,so we decided to accompany our relatives for Kurukshetra.
But why only Kurukshetra ? It could have been some other place also .North India has so many places to visit .Alas ! Whatever plan Krishna is cooking up in his brilliant mind .
We started for Kurukshetra at 7.00 AM .I totally forgot about the dream and Krishna's voice .I didn't forget Krishna himself ,but the message which he gave faded away from my mind .Time passed.
While I was browsing the Internet ,the first image which I saw in Pinterest was the battle between Krishna and Bheeshma Pitamaha .Krishna taking the wheel of a chariot ,ran towards Bheeshma like a roaring lion .Mahabharata attracting me again and again........
We reached Haryana. I felt the soft winds touching my face as we got up from the car . The battle field was just 2-3 hours away from us .
By afternoon ,we started to notice boards directing to Kurukshetra . I felt that something or maybe someone was waiting for me out there .I surely felt something was going to happen .
Oh Krishna...........

I got so exhausted due to the blazing heat of the sun ,that I slept during the remaining journey .Suddenly the car stopped . "Sir ,we have entered Kurukshetra .Which place should we visit first ?" .The voice of the driver entered into my ears like a lightning streak in between my deep slumber. I saw the entrance gates of the city ,on top of which was situated the majestic statue of 'Gita-Updesh' .The battle field was here !

"Welcome to Kurukshetra sakhi ! Soon we'll start our journey.........."

Oh truly are a magician ............
We slowly visited one by one each place thoroughly.
Brahma Sarovar : The lake created by Lord Brahma. It is said that Lord Krishna took a dip in this lake before the Mahabharata war .
Ban Ganga : Place where Pitamaha Bheeshma was laid on the arrow bed and Arjun ,the Pandava Prince pierced the ground by using an arrow to bring river Ganga out ,so as to reduce the thirst of Bheeshma.
Khatu Shyam Mandir : Temple of Bhima's grandson Barbarik ,also known as Khatu Shyam .
Well of Draupadi : The place where Draupadi washed her hair with the blood of Dushasan .

After completing everything ,we decided to stay back in a nearby hotel for the night and return back the next morning .
As I entered the room ,all I found was the cosy bed and as my exhausted head touched the fluffy and soft pillow ,my eyes closed ...........

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