Chapter 29: Various Episodes

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(A long chapter ........." )
A story within a story.....
It was a pleasant morning ,as the sun rays touched my face softly .Krishna was still asleep ,on my lap .His breathing was slow and calm ,and he had his disarming smile on his face even in sleep .I heard him whisper my name tenderly ,in his deep slumber .I held out my saree pallu ,covering his face gently and shielding from the sun's rays .I was hesitant to wake him up from his deep peaceful sleep .I gazed at his beautiful ,handsome face .
"Krishna ,I feel blessed to have you with me . I wish to have this moment forever ,for eternity ." I mumbled as I massaged his arms .Krishna ,who was still deeply in sleep ,held my wrists gently yet firm ,as if acknowledging my feelings for him .He opened his lotus eyes slowly and looked at me through the soft ,tender cloth of my saree pallu .

"Good morning ,Godha ...." He whispered as he gently lifted the cloth from his face and smiled at me warmly .
"Good morning ,Krishna .Did you sleep well ?" I asked ,as I stroked his curly hair .He got up slowly and cupped my face gently .
"I slept well ,my dear .But even in my deep slumber ,I could feel your soft loving hands caressing my head ,stroking my hair ,and massaging both my arms and feet .I am deeply touched by your devotion ,Godha .But why didn't you sleep ?"
"How could I possibly sleep ,Krishna ? When lord of the universe was resting on my lap ,instead of sleeping I enjoyed and savoured every moment ,every second .I saw your beautiful face ,which looked a blue hued lotus under the moonlight .I heard your gentle ,sweet snores which was like nectar to my ears .I massaged your strong muscular arms and your tender lotus feet ,savouring every millisecond ." I said softly .

"Ah ,my dear love , I am truly humbled by your affection .You know ,I even saw a wonderful dream ? Want to hear it ?" Krishna asked me
"Yes ,yes ! Tell me ,my lord !" I asked him ,playfully curious .
"Well ,my dream was a little story about you and me .You are Madhavi ,the princess of a beautiful kingdom .Your parents are the king and queen of the kingdom .One day ,they received a letter from Dwarka ,that I ,Krishna Vasudeva was going to visit them and discuss the matters of the state along with an alliance between yours ,and my kingdom. You were an innocent girl ,who had heard my stories and adventurous deeds since childhood.As I reached the palace gates ,your parents and the kingdom received me warmly ,showering garlands and flowers .Now you emerge from behind ,and as I laid eyes on you ,I was captivated by your innocence and charming smile .You too ,were captivated by my presence .Very soon ,we both fell deeply in love with each other .You would hide behind pillars to steal a glance of me ,whenever I discussed something with your father .You would assist your mother in making the excellent delicacies at kitchen ,and by your culinary skills you stole my heart .However ,your father announced that a Swayamvar was going to be held for you soon .In fact ,your parents deeply desired me as their son in law .I could hear your silent pleas ,desiring me as your husband .I too was determined to win your hand ,and make you mine ........"

"Then ,what happened ?" I whispered softly

"Then ,the day of your Swayamvara arrived .All the kings and princes were invited on that day .You were looking stunning in your regal attire and as you entered the hall ,all the eyes were on you .You gazed at me with a knowing glint ,that I will win your hand .I too gazed at you ,knowing that you shall belong to me for eternity .An archery contest was held ,and I won it .You garlanded me ,and our marriage was held with great pomp .You were looking extremely beautiful in your bridal form , and we exchanged vows together .Your parents were overjoyed to have me as their son in law and blessed both of us .

Very soon ,I took you to my kingdom Dwarka as my bride .You were welcomed by Devaki and Vasudeva ,your mother-in-law and father-in-law .Rukmini ,Satyabhama and other queens welcomed you as their young sister .Subhadra and Balarama ,your sister-in law and
brother -in-law .And I ,your partner ,your king ,your friend and your husband .......
And we lived happily ever after in Dwarka ,together ........" Krishna completed his story ,his eyes twinkling.

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