Chapter 21 : A new change

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The forest was extremely dense ,but also filled with vibrant flora . The place was a home for rare kind of birds ,which looked extraordinary and one cannot find those in Kaliyuga .The music of the night insects ,fireflies roaming around ,unique trees having colourful leaves  ,a lake which was glittering to the moon's light ,enormous variety of flowers ....everything made the place look aesthetic .
"I never knew that this forest would be so magical .It looks a fantasy land ..." I said ,while roaming through the forest .

" I said ,while roaming through the forest

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"Of course ...I come here often and spend time with the birds .They are my little companions ." Krishna extended his hand into the air ,and as he did ...all the birds came  rushing towards him and sat on his hand one by one .Some sat on his shoulders as well .
They looked into his lotus eyes deeply and started to communicate with him beautifully .
Krishna nodded his head ,and it was clear that he was also talking to them and understands their language .
They would sit on his flute ,or sit close to his face ....mesmerised by his majestic and sharp features .
Madhava caressed each and every one of them with his lotus hands .
"Aw ...they love you so much Kanha ...look how they enjoy your company and warmth !"

look how they enjoy your company and warmth !"

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"Yes they do.....and I really love their company ."
One bird tried to pluck a peacock feather from his crown secretly .
"What are you trying to do ,you little thief ! Come here ..." Krishna caught him and held him lovingly  .It was a little one ....looking innocently at my lord with its tiny black eyes . It sat comfortably within his lotus palms .Oh ! I really wished to be the tiny bird who was sitting in Krishna's hands so happily .
"You understand their language Krishna ?" I asked
"I do understand their language .Because when they talk to me ,they communicate to me with love .No matter whatever language it is ,but if it is spoken with pure love ....then I surely understand it and devotion can only bind me ." He told as he was closely observing the bird's actions in his hands .
We both were spending time with the birds ,and then proceeded forward .
"Krishna ,I am feeling very thirsty......" I stopped and sat on a rock ,exhausted.
"Indeed ,we are walking for a long time .Let's take a break ,look there's a pond ...." He lead me towards a little pond ,whose water was crystal clear .
I sat down and when I took some water in my palms ,the water shined to the moonlight .So much clean it was and when I drank it ,it was very sweet and tasty .
"The taste of this water is so good....never had like this before ! Now I feel refreshed ." I said as I got up .
"Godha ,there is something I need to show you .Will you come here ?" Krishna asked me.
"Oh ,what is there ? Let me look ,let me look !" I went towards his side ,fully curious.
"Come closer ,then only you'll know ...." He said
I did as he told .
"Even more closer ...." He said
"Oh come on Krishna ,what is it !?" I was getting impatient
He was silent for sometime and to my surprise .....he splashed huge amount of water on me ,so much that I got wet fully .
"What is this ! Look what have you done !" I got shocked
He burst out laughing "Oh yes ,this is what I was going to show you .You said that you loved the water of this pond ,that's why !"
"You frightened me ! I knew you were upto something ,because you were having a mischievous smile on your face when you called me ! Well here ,you too have some !" Saying this ,I too splashed water on him playfully .We kept on splashing water on each other ,until we both got wet and soaked fully ,water dripping from our hair .
"Great ,are you now satisfied with our little war dear ?" Krishna asked as he removed his turban and dried his hair .
"You started it first ,Krishna ! Look, now my dense hair will take time to get dry ..."
"Come one Godha ,sometimes we must have little bit of fun in life as well ! I'll help you dry up your hair ." Saying this he rubbed my hair lovingly and used his angavastra as well to dry up .
He looked at me innocently "I am sorry if I splashed water on you ....You know ...I just wanted to have some fun ...but still ,you are angry on me ....."
"Oh Krishna ! Please don't say like this .Besides ,I am feeling very lucky that I got chance to play water sport with the lord of the universe himself ....I really enjoyed it !" I held both of his hands .
He smiled at me ,but suddenly his smile faded . He looked at his feet .
"Godha ,my anklet is missing ! I think it fell somewhere .
"It should have fallen near the pond ,maybe . I'll look it for you ." I went with full enthusiasm to find his anklet .I searched everywhere and atlast found it near the bushes .
Krishna smiled at my little success . "May I ?" I asked enthusiastically .
He nodded at me softly and I sat before him .As I touched his lotus feet in my hands and kept it on my lap ,suddenly I felt mixed of emotions coming in me .Old incidents ,insults ,pains and tough times started to show up in my mind ,how I suffered every humiliation in my life .Tears started to collect in my eyes as I was tying up the heavy golden anklet around his blue ankle .
But at the same time I realised how Krishna had chosen me ,how my love started to grow for him deeply for the first time in my life .I never imagined that I could get such a close and deep connection with Jagannatha himself . If I had never created a connection with Krishna ,if I had never known about him ,my life would have become meaningless .
It's Krishna who gives a deep meaning to my life ,and a beautiful identity to me .
He softly kept his hand on my head ,and I felt extremely peaceful .
"You don't have to think too much about your past or future Godha ,or even about your insults and pain which you faced .I'm there for you in every single step of life ." Saying this he picked me up and made me sit beside him .I rested my head on his chest ,and he wrapped his hand around me .His warmth and divine love removed all my unnecessary thoughts ,and my mind was completely dissolved in him .
"Thank you for finding my anklet ,my dearest ." He said softly
"It was my duty Krishna ,as your devotee .And I thank you for giving me various opportunities to serve you ..."

   (Credits to the creator 👆)I was having a thought for a long time

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I was having a thought for a long time .I really wanted to tell it to Krishna ,but still I was hesitant .
"Is there something you have to tell me,dear ?" Krishna found out that I was having something filled in my mind .I decided to talk to him about it and gathered courage .
"Krishna ..." I started "I have asked this to you earlier as well ,so don't think that I'm asking again .You know very well how much I love this era ,this epic and being with you . I really want to experience this .You know what I am asking ....I want to mingle with the people of this era ,I want to be a part of this era .... And I know you can fulfil this wish of mine Kanha ...Please .I know that you are very much concerned about my safety ,but now since I am used to this timeline ...I assure you that I'll be completely fine .Please don't be mad at me ....since I'm asking this to you again and again ....." I spoke out these words in a hurry without a pause.
Krishna kept on staring at me and was silent for a long time .He was definitely thinking something deeply .I was getting afraid ,whether I had made him irritated because of this .
"Do you really wish to do this ?" He asked me softly
"Can you help me do this ?" I looked at him eagerly
"Of course I can fulfil this wish of yours ......but provided......"
"Yes ,yes tell me .."
"But provided ,there are some conditions which you need to know. Godha ,I could have fulfilled your request when you asked me for the first time .I refused ,because you know very well about my enemies . They are not as simpler as you think ,they are finding even the smallest of things to insult me every way . Their intentions are very venomous and they can go to any extent to achieve their goals .And that's why I am concerned about your safety ,because you're innocent and soft ...but however if you'll promise to be responsible and alert ,then I'll surely love to fulfil your wish .I can very well understand your eagerness and your excitement ." Krishna told me
"I'll surely be responsible Krishna .And who would dare to harm me ,when you are with me ,within me ? I am ready for this ...."
"And ....since you are becoming a person of this era ,be very alert and do judge people .There's nothing to worry about inside the palace .....but if you decide to go outside ,then you must be careful . Because many spies are roaming in Dwarka itself ,disguised as common people .It's just like how you tackle people and their behaviour in Kaliyuga .
And I will see how you are adjusting yourself to this timeline ,how you speak and behave .If I see that you are struggling at some point ,then I shall make you invisible and turn you the way how you are now . Also ,at some parts I will have to make you invisible .....because it is important ......" Krishna said
"I completely agree with your conditions Kanha .I won't fail not worry about me .
So shall we go ?" I asked eagerly
"Wait ,wait .....certainly you cannot go like this .You have to change your identity ......into a person of Dwapara Yuga .."
"How's that possible ?"
"Anything's possible,with me around !" Saying this ,he just blinked his lotus eyes deeply .
"What did you do ?!" I asked
"From now on Godha ,you are a person belonging to Dwapara Yuga .You are a Princess belonging to the Southern Lands of Bharatvarsha ."
"Bu...but I didn't feel anything. I can't feel any change around me or in me !?
"Patience ,my dear .....You will see it very soon .You will be seen as a princess ,and no one will have a single chance to doubt you and your true identity ."
"Me ? A Princess !!!? Are you sure ?" I was surprised by his lines .
"Yes ,you heard it right you'll see and experience a new change around you ......"
I got goosebumps all over my body .I was now a princess ,and that too in my favourite era .
I really couldn't believe what he said .I was overwhelmed with joy and at the same time filled with nervousness .Krishna had indeed transformed me from a common girl of Kaliyuga to a princess of  Dwapara Yuga ,in a blink of an eye . Now there was going to be a new change for me ,and for Krishna as well .

 Now there was going to be a new change for me ,and for Krishna as well

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(Credits to the creator 👆)

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