Are you not happy?

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Next day:
Kelly: Hey Stella!

Stella: Hey, you what's up?

Kelly: So I was thinking.

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Maybe me, you and Lay-Lay wanna go out of town for a while? Because vacation is coming up for her and us we should go to some other place other than Chicago?

Stella: A vacation?

Kelly: Yeah anywhere you and Layla wanna go.

Stella: Ah I don't know ask her when she comes here later that's half day.

Kelly: Ohh why is she coming home early?

Stella: Uhm the school has graduation for the upper students who are going in high school so they need to school to decorate!

Kelly: Ohh damn I'm excited to see Layla graduate.

Stella: Haha that'll be cool she'll be there to see her daddy there.

Kelly: Yeah totally if that's if she stills calls me daddy or dad.

Stella: I think she would I don't know. They headed inside as the bells went of "ambo 61, truck 81." Man from unknown causes apartment complex 3922 Jackson street.

Kelly: Go get em. She smiled at him before heading by the truck.

On the scene:
Man: Help! She's stuck on the fence.

Casey: Kidd, Herrmann grab the rope and secure it underneath the truck, Mouch, Otis help me harnessed up.

Otis: Lieutenant the whole is to small we need someone small. Then squad pulled up.

Stella: I'll go.

Casey: Copy that harness her up, Mouch raise the arial! Mouch raise the arial.

Kelly: Casey what's up?

Casey: We're sending Kidd down to grab the lady.

Kelly: Who lady? I thought it was a man down?

Casey: Well the guy other there said she's stuck so. He strug his shoulders as Otis harness Stella up. Kelly headed over to her as he clip the rope on her harness.

Kelly: You sure about this?

Stella: Positive.

Kelly: You should probably be on squad for doing this. They giggled as he kiss her flipping her upside down as she headed down.

Lady: Help me!

Stella: Grab my hand. She grab unto Stella's hand tightly. Stella moved around as Kelly give Mouch the thumbs up to come back up.

Casey: Okay Mouch raise her up. Mouch raise the arial pulling Stella and the lady up. Herrmann caught her as Kelly kiss Stella turning her back over.

Stella: My head in spinning.. She landed on her feet as took the rope of Stella's harness.

Kelly: You we're upside down just calm down don't drink or eat anything. He kiss her head as they hug.

Stella: I feel like ima throw up..

Kelly: Ah take this bag in case.

Stella: Haha thanks.

Back at the firehouse:
Kelly: Did you threw up? He ask turning around his chair as he saw Stella with the bag.

Capp: Eww!

Stella: A little bit..

Kelly: Capp don't say eww because you shit in the toilet and never flushed it! He said making everyone laugh.

Capp: Your embarrassing me lieutenant.

Kelly: Learn to flush the toilet when finished with it Capp next time you do that your going on bathroom duty.

Squad: Oooo roasted! They all laugh as Stella headed to the bathroom.

Kelly: Hey you okay?

Stella: Yeah never I'm I ever hanging upside down again that's your job.

Kelly: You should join squad.

Stella: Oh hell nah. He laugh.

Kelly: What?

Stella: There's no way I'm doing that.

Kelly: Well think about it if you want to don't be afraid of talking to me about it. He kiss her head before leaving.

1 hour later:
Kelly had just gotten back from the 7th call in the hour. He was already exhausted as Stella was pouring herself some coffee. Kelly took it from her drinking it down as he closed his eyes.

Stella: What the hell Kelly! That was mine.

Kelly: I needed it I'm sorry.

Stella: It's okay you needed it more that I did now can I have my cup back? Kelly poured her a cup if coffee before giving her it.

Kelly: Here.

Stella: Thanks. She sip on her coffee as Kelly watch her.

Kelly: Your cute when you drink things.

Stella: Hahaha is that so?

Kelly: Yeah.

Stella: I don't think so though but thanks your cute when you sleep.

Kelly: You are too.

Stella: What time is it? I forgot my watch.

Kelly: It's 9:25.

Stella: Ohh Layla is coming out at 12 so still have time.

Kelly: That's cool, hey uhh would you be willing to meet my mom? She's coming in town and I never told her I have a girlfriend..

Stella: Ohh.. Uhh I don't know..

Kelly: It's fine we'll just act like friends very close friend's.

Stella: Uhh when is she coming here?

Kelly: I don't know but I'm excited to see her. He smiled.

Stella: Ohh..

Kelly: Are you not happy?

Stella: Yeah.. Then Kelly saw Stella's eyes watering.

Kelly: Baby what's wrong?

Stella: Nothing..

Kelly: Come talk to me. He grab her hand as they headed to his office. He put her to sat on his bunk as he sat next to her.

Stella: I don't have to say anything..

Kelly: No you need to tell me everything like right now. He wipe Stella's tears as she laid on his shoulder.

Stella: M-my..

Kelly: Is it to early to tell me or you wanna tell me now?

Stella: I think it's too early..

Kelly: No worries when your comfortable you can just let me know okay?

Stella: Okay.. Thanks Kelly.

Kelly: Anytime. They hug as he kissed her head.
A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter, I didn't know what to write about sorry for any mistakes.

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now