I mean duh

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Next day:
It was a raining Saturday morning, it was 8:35 and Kelly and Stella were asleep. The thunder rolling as Layla got scared. She shot up running into Stella and Kelly's room jumping into there bed.

Kelly: Layla! He groaned throwing the sheet over his head.

Stella: What happened??

Layla: The thunder rolling.

Stella: Go to sleep the thunder can't hurt you. She signed burying her face in the pillow.

Layla: Oh man. She got up heading back to her room. She put her airpods in her ear listening to "Believer" by Imagine Dragons. It help her clam down a little bit as she fell back to sleep. The rain pouring as Stella got up.

Kelly: Stella? Baby?

Stella: Yes? I'm here just getting up I'm so cold.

Kelly: Come cuddle with me.

Stella: Do you want your hoodie?

Kelly: The news lady said lots of rain today maybe power outages.

Stella: Let me cool of then I'll take a shower and go back to sleep.

Kelly: Come and sleep I'm lonely.

Stella: No your not baby I'm here. She climb back into bed as they cuddle.

Kelly: Sleep please.

Stella: Okay. She slightly giggled as they fell back to sleep.

1 hour later:
Stella woke up by the sound of the microwave going. Kelly heard it to as Stella got up. Kelly grab her hand as she look at him. He pulled her back into a hug as she buried her face into his neck.

Kelly: Are you still sleepy?

Stella: No I'm hungry!

Kelly: We have to go grocery shopping.

Stella: Okay well it's raining and you wanna go grocery shopping?

Kelly: Yes we need the groceries so let's go downstairs and make breakfast.

Stella: Okay then. They got up heading downstairs as Layla was making bread and melted cheese.

Kelly: A-A.

Layla: I mean duh. Kelly and Stella look at each other as Stella pulled the airpods our her ear.

Stella: Hello?

Layla: Mom!

Stella: What are you doing?

Layla: Making something to eat? She said confuse.

Kelly: Well we're going grocery shopping so eat, take a bath and get dress.

Layla: But I don't wanna go the rain is falling, outside is cold and I just wanna cuddle with my teddy bear and sleep all day.

Stella: I'm sorry but we really have to go.

Layla: Ugh okay whatever but you owe me a hot chocolate oh and you better do my nails when we get back home.

Stella: Okay.. Kelly and Stella make breakfast eating after they took a shower before heading to the supermarket.

At the supermarket:
Kelly grab the shopping cart as they headed inside grabbing some groceries. The rain had hold up a little but the thunder was rolling and lighting was flashing. Stella headed over grabbing some meat as Kelly got the bread.

Layla: Momma?

Stella: Yeah?

Layla: I don't wanna move schools..

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now