The funeral

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It's been few days since Stella told Kelly about her aunt passing. Today was now the funeral as Stella was getting ready. Kelly got Kayla dress in her black dress and black headband.

Kelly: Hey babe are you ready?

Stella: Yeah I guess..

Kelly: Are you doing a speech alone?

Stella: Nope me and my sister.

Kelly: Okay..

Stella: Don't feel bad about it.

Kelly: I just don't want you to be alone.

Stella: I'm not alone I have you guys.

Kelly: Aww, can I get a hug?

Stella: Yeah. They hug tightly as Stella tried to hold her tears in.

Kelly: It's okay to cry baby.

Layla: Do we really have to go?

Stella: Of course we do, she's your great aunt.

Layla: But still I don't wanna go.

Kelly: Oh my..

Kayla: Dada up. She held her hands in the air as Kelly pick her up.

Stella: Come let's go get in the car, Kelly drive please.

Kelly: Which car?

Stella: Any. They headed downstairs as Kelly took the BMW to the church.

At the church:
It felt like a pretty long car ride but it was only 15-20 minutes away from Stella and Kelly's house. Kelly park the car up as Stella immediately saw her family members who she never talk to. Her sister was standing there alone. Stella got out before putting a mask on she walk over to her sister who death stare her.

Amber: Stella?

Stella: Hey. They hug as they both broke down.

Amber: I miss her she was in hospital they told her she was cancer free but she wasn't it was still there what kind of retarded doctors we're there? Our aunt Mariah would be still alive. She sniff.

Stella: I know your right.

Amber: Who's car we're you in?

Stella: Uhm yeah about that.

Amber: Omg Stella! Your engaged!? This man better not be like Grant.

Stella: No no no he's not and I have a baby for him.

Amber: You have another kid?

Stella: Yeah she's a year.

Amber: Aww.

Stella: Yeah here they come.

Amber: Omg he's fly. Stella hit her. I'm sorry I'm sorry! They laugh as Kelly walk up to them.

Layla: Aunty Amber!

Amber: Hey you! They hug. Kayla reach out for Stella as Stella took her.

Stella: And here's the baby.

Amber: Awww, hi cutie pie!

Kayla: Hewo!

Stella: This is your aunty, say aunty.

Kayla: Aumpy.

Amber: Yeah hi. Kayla grab Amber's hair playing with her braids.

Stella: Yup that's what caught her attention anything colorful.

Amber: Ah.

Stella: Oh shoot Kelly this is my sister Amber and Amber this is my.. F-fiancée Kelly.

Kelly: Hi nice too meet you.

Amber: Yess nice to meet you too.

Stella: Uhm come let's go inside. They headed inside before taking a look at Mariah in the coffin. Stella couldn't take it so she walk away so did Amber. Layla stood there touching Mariah's face.

Layla: Bye aunty we'll miss you.. She sniff as Kelly pick her up heading to sit down next to Stella. After a few minutes the ceremony was about to start. Everyone stood up as pallbearers rolled the coffin down. Family members we're walking behind them except Stella and Amber. Everyone took a seat as the reverent took a moment of pray. The service began as Stella and Amber headed upstairs to the mic to say some words about aunt Mariah.

Amber and Stella: Good evening everyone.

Everyone: Good evening. Stella and Amber both had on there shay's so no one could of saw them.

Amber: Aunt Mariah took part of me and my sisters mom after our parents pass away. She would fed us and make sure we had a home.

Stella: She was always there for us through good times and bad her and our other aunt Melissa. Aunt Mariah you will be deeply missed but we will definitely leave a part in our heart for you. After 10 minutes of reading the letter Stella and Amber headed to take a seat as everyone clap there hands.

Layla: Isabelle what are you doing here?

Isabelle: We're singing a song just you and me, Bella tested positive for covid her dad brought it home from work.

Layla: Oh no no no.

Isabelle: It's okay she's feeling much better. Isabelle and Layla headed up to the mic before sitting on a chair. The music started to play as Layla started.

Layla: Oh lord my god,
When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the works
Thy hands hath made;
I see the stars,
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe display.

Isabelle: Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great thou art!
How great thou art!
Then sings my soul
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great thou art!
How great thou art!
They finished up the song as everyone clap. They ceremony continued as they we're singing songs and dance to some of Mariah's favorite songs. After they got up pallbearers got the coffin all family members walk behind Mariah's coffin before heading outside. They put the coffin in her hearse as everyone headed to the graveyard.

At the graveyard we're some men digging up the dirt big rocks and stuff. They're was a tent with chairs for some person's to sit. Stella and Amber's evil stepmother wouldn't let them go no where around her or even sit down. Stella and Amber didn't care because at least they had each other. Some plays by the graveyard Mariah's coffin was ready to go under the ground. The man who was in charge of the funeral home place the cross which was made out of ash on top before putting a pillow on top of the coffin.
Stella and Amber started to scream and break down as Mariah's coffin went underground. Kelly pulled Kelly's into a tight hug as she kept screaming and crying. Kelly rub her back before kissing her head. Mariah's sister who's was Stella and Amber's mom sister was there. She headed over to Amber comforting her.

Kelly: Baby.. Look at me, everything is going to be okay. They started putting the dirt untop of the coffin. Some people started to put flowers down. The stone was put on which read the words of"In loving memory of Mariah Bree Kidd" 1958-2020. Amber and Stella we're in a hug as they we're still crying. Then they both heard someone whisper to them.

Mariah: I love you both my niece's I will missed you guys but always remember aunt Mariah will always be with you I will always love you, I will tell mom and dad you guys say hello. Amber and Stella look at each other.

Amber: You heard that?

Stella: I did.. After everyone left and headed home. The clouds started to get dark the started to fall heavily as Stella realize why. She thought to herself that maybe it was her aunt letting her know that she had reach heaven. After a few hours the rain had stop a rainbow had came out brightly. Stella posted it in her Instagram story and post which everyone replied saying "My condolences."

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