Says by who??

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The kids we're all in school except for Layla. She was going out since she didn't want to stay home. Stella and Kelly we're getting ready for shift as Stella did a Tiktok before they left. Kelly join in as she giggled.

Kelly: The kids had grown up so fast! I can't believe Kayla is 5 Layla is 16 and the twins are 3.

Stella: Yeah and Brett has her baby boy and he's now 2.

Kelly: Do you think he would like Kayla as his girlfriend?

Stella: I don't know I think Kayla already likes something in her class.

Kelly: I wanna try for a baby again.. Hopefully it's a boy.

Stella: You can't.. Decide whether it's going to be a boy or not.

Kelly: I know but I want a baby boy!

Stella: Sure but just a few more months please?

Kelly: Fine! You said when the twins hit 3!

Stella: Baby baby baby.. She took his hand as they headed to work.

Kelly: Make it next week that we will try.

Stella: Yeah okay we will try.. Next week.

Kelly: Good! They headed inside as Brett was playing with her son. Stella look at the Kelly as he look at her. Stella walk away as he headed to his office.

Casey: Hey man you alright?

Kelly: Can we grab a smoke later?

Casey: Yeah sure. Then the alarms went of "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 house fire." They headed to there rigs as they put on there bunker gear. Stella open the door climbing up as they headed on the call. Truck arrive first on scene which means Casey was in charge.

Casey: Kidd, Mouch give me a primary research on the 2nd floor, Gallo with me where going to the basement.

Kelly: Capp, Tony check the first floor Cruz with me where going on the 3rd floor.

Stella: We got someone male mid 70s his wife is on the 3rd floor.

Kelly: Copy where heading on the 3rd floor now!

Stella: That's where the fire is! Kelly and Cruz headed to the 3rd floor where Stella was helping the lady out.

Kelly: Stella what the hell!?

Stella: Help me lift this of her! Kelly and Cruz lift the book shelf of the lady as Stella pulled her out.

Kelly: Let's get back downstairs! Kelly and Cruz lift took the lady downstairs as Kelly place her on the stretcher.

Stella: She inhaled lots of smoke, burn marks on her hands and feet.

Brett: Copy.

Kelly: That was not cool!

Stella: What do you mean?

Kelly: We we're going to the 3rd floor, you we're ordered to the second!

Stella: You weren't no where to be found! She would of been dead when you got there!

Kelly: Says by who??

Stella: Me! They argue a little bit more as Stella left. Back at the firehouse Kelly and Stella ignored each other.

Brett: Hey the lady is okay, Dr. Marcel said if she had stayed longer she would probably be dead right now so good job.

Stella: Thanks..

Brett: Are you okay?

Stella: Yeah..

Brett: Do you want to talk about it?

Stella: Sure. They headed inside the ambo.

Brett: Is this about the fight you and Severide had?

Stella: Yup. What they didn't know was that Kelly was actually listening outside.

Brett: What makes you feel mad?

Stella: Well yeah she was stuck underneath the shelf and I wasn't just going to leave her there so I called for help and try to get her out that's when they came and he got mad because I was ordered on the 2nd floor but the thing is if you we're me and you saw someone stuck underneath something wouldn't you go and help that person?

Kelly: Yeah but still we we're going there and they you we're!

Casey: You guys stop fighting and go to chief. They headed inside to chief's office as Kelly closed the door.

Kelly: You wanted to see us chief?

Boden: Yes what is the whole issue between you guys?

Kelly and Stella: Because-

Boden: One at a time.

Kelly: Chief.. So Casey give out orders to him team so did I. Stella and Mouch we're suppose to do a primary research on the 2nd floor so I told Cruz that lets go do a sweep on the 3rd floor so when we got there, Stella was there.

Boden: And why we're you doing there?

Stella: Because I heard someone saying help and I wasn't going to walk out the building! So I told Mouch to take the husband out I'll go check the room so I didn't know they we're coming so I headed to help the lady then I called in for help and then he said that they we're coming like how the hell was I suppose to know that? Then now your mad at me!

Boden: Well got a call from med that 72 year old Mendi Baker will be okay doctor says that if she had stayed any longer she would of lost her life so that means that Severide.. Stella reacted, I would of done the same and you would too she was only doing her job.

Stella: Yeah. Chief dismissed them both as Kelly headed to the bathroom so did Stella.

Kelly: Are you following me now?

Stella: You know this whole thing started because you wanted a baby boy! And now that you can't have one your mad! You wouldn't act like this Kelly! Why do it now??

Kelly: Because I- maybe I'm scared of losing you.. Stella went in awe as Kelly turned away.

Stella: Why? I wasn't going anywhere..

Kelly: You had no idea how high those flames we're going.

Stella: Yeah I know but I just couldn't let her die..

Kelly: I know..

Stella: Have you talked to your mom recently?

Kelly: No and I don't want to.

Stella: Okay well give me a hug. They hug. It doesn't matter but if we try for a baby and it's a girl..?

Kelly: I'll be mad.. Then I'll go adopt a baby boy.

Stella: No! What did I said before?

Kelly: Fine. After a couple hours later, all units we're on a bomb threat call.

Stella: Casey!

Casey: Hey kiddo put the bomb down!

Boy: No! No one cares about me!

Stella: Yes we all do here.

Boy: No! He put the bomb as it went of. Everyone going flying as they landed on the floor. Stella got threw back hitting her head hard on the floor. Her ears ringing as everything went blurry.
A/N: Hope you guys like the chapter sorry for any mistakes.

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