Ch2: Detective Patch

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We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

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♥︎Chapter Two:

Detective Patch

It was dark. She could hear the voices again but no matter how hard she strained her ears, it seemed impossible to make out what they were saying. Her curious nature making it a given to go and try to find the source of the voices.

She fumbled around in the darkness, her hand skimming against the wall, trying to find where it ended and the door began. She stopped when she felt the wooden frame and her hand swept down to the cold lever. She pushed it open and was welcomed into a cozy living room. Familiar, bright, warm. Lot's of windows and plants. She felt safe.

A woman was sitting on the couch decorated in many pillows of different shapes and sizes. Her hair covered the side of her head, blocking her face from the girl's view. She took another step into the room, trying to get a better look at this strange lady who was staring at a television.  Just as she rounded the couch that sat in the middle of the room, the woman's head whipped in her direction, but the sight almost caused Angelina to jump back.

Where her features should have been, was just a blur of skin. The only identifier she had was her blonde hair. She looked like she was trying to say something, but like the voices before, they were muffled and distorted.

Angelina just wanted to back up into the darkness of the room she had just been in previously, but it was like she wasn't in control of her limbs as they carried her to sit down beside the woman. More muffled conversation.

Another figure appeared around the corner of another room, a man this time, whose face was just as warped and contorted as the woman's. The two exchanged a few words and the woman stood up to leave.

Angelina was left in the living room. She tried to look around for a hint to where she might be, eyes scanning the photos lining the white walls, but they too were deformed. The images were twisted into swirls of colors and blotches.

Her eyes moved to the small television sitting in front of her. She could hear more muffled words but the images on screen were blurred.

It was really starting to frustrate her.

Seconds later, the two figures rushed in, crouching in front of the girl and whimpering out more untranslatable murmurs. Their hands grabbed onto her, pulling at her clothes and fingers in her hair. She wanted to pull away. She didn't like it. She no longer felt safe. She had a dreaded feeling in her gut. Something bad was happening.

Just as she tried to push away from the two with no avail as she was still imobile, there was a loud bang, and her head twisted towards the door that hid the darkness, but she had left the door open, and now it was seeping into the room, swallowing it up whole and causing a free fall further into the rabbit hole.

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