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Angelina had traveled with Five before, but she had never time traveled. Not that she could particularly remember the experience when she had worked for the Commission. Maybe that was a good thing because the twisting feeling of being stretched in every which way, the bright flashing that made it impossible to see and the feeling of the change that was undeniable was definitely something she would have liked to avoid in the future. Or better yet, the past.

It was weird and awful but at the same time was kind of funny, like she was being slingshotted through time and other than all the negative feelings, there were butterflies in her stomach that lasted for a moment. it had only taken a couple of seconds for those butterflies to turn into uncomfortable, evil moths, making her feel like her margarita from earlier was going to come back for a second drink.

She had to try to refrain from giving into the feeling in her throat, threatening to spew, but it didn't last long. In reality, the whole process only lasted a few seconds, but it felt much longer, like she had been falling for days.

That was until the ground opened up below her and she fell through the tunnel of light and into the real, solid world. So solid that she fell onto her back and the air was knocked out of her for a solid few seconds.

She let out a wheeze that turned into a cough as she clutched her side, still feeling the effects of overexertion and the stress of the world almost being turned into a desolate land of decay and death.

The impact of falling out of a light tunnel and onto a concrete ground had been enough to distract her from these events for about half a minute, until everything came back to her, and her eyes were suddenly pried open

The bright light of daytime flooded her vision and the blue sky above her was the first thing she saw.

It immediately piqued her deep interest.

It was daytime. Moments ago it had been the late evening, the sky dark and the moon- which was a touchy subject now- had been high in the sky.

Had it really worked? Had they really been brought back in time to before the apocalypse? Would they be able to try and stop it again? Did they actually have a chance? Had Five's plan really worked?

Speaking of the boy, she sat up all of a sudden, her fresh injuries cursing at her in the form of aches and stings, but she couldn't think of that when she couldn't see him anywhere.

She couldn't see anyone anywhere.

She didn't even know where she was. It looked like some kind of alleyway, and it only really hit her how warm it was for April in the city. That was when it dawned on her.

Maybe she wasn't where they had all intended to go, where everyone else might have been. Had she somehow been separated on the way? Had she fallen astray on course and landed somewhere completely different? She had to know, and she had to know where.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now