Ch8: Heart-to Heart

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Extra Ordinary

Extra Ordinary

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♥︎Chapter 8:

Angelina hadn't stopped running until she made her way onto another busy street, which was probably not the smartest decision considering the amount of side streets and alleys she had to run through was not good on her lungs, as she stood on the sidewalk, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

For the first time since she emerged from the darkness between the buildings and onto the street lit by the orange pink hues of the sun just on the horizon, she realized that she hadn't ended up on just any random street, which she was thankful for. It would be no use to her getting lost and not being able to find her way back to that van, especially because her next option would be to go back to Eden House.

As she glanced up from her shoes that had been through way too much these past few days, she immediately noticed the brightly colored, dingy diner that she had spent most of her memorable days cooped up in.

Angie took as a calling from the universe, finally being on her side in life for once. The one thing she had been longing for all day was within her grasp at last. Only a few meters away from her was the place that supplied the only thing she needed in that moment. Food.

Her longing stare was broken when she straightened from her odd looking crouch and practically frolicked across the street, miraculously not getting hit by any moving vehicles as she did. She probably wouldn't have minded. She just wanted a semi-warm, stale, dry doughnut from a building that broke so many health violations that it shouldn't have been legal to keep it open. 

When she pushed through the door, ringing the bell as she did so, the store was empty of any customers, but it was in much better shape than it was the last time she was there. There were still bullet holes in the walls, but there were no dead bodies, so that was a plus.

She took a few steps into the diner, small unswept fragments of glass crunching under the thick soles of her boots, bringing her back to the moment she had already relived too many times in the last few days. She could feel her heart begin to race in her chest as images of the missing bodies flashed through her mind.

Thankfully before she managed to spiral into a full fledged freak out, a woman from the corner of the room noticed her walking in while she swept, probably being notified by the bell when she had walked in.

"Angie, oh my goodness! You're alright! The cops told me you made it out fine, but it's so much better to see for myself," Agnes gasped slightly, dropping the broom and rushing over to her as quickly as she could, enveloping her into a warm hug immediately.

"I'm glad you're okay too. I felt terrible when I realized I had left you here," she sighed as the woman released her from her grip, but she kept her arms on the blonde's shoulders as she looked her in the eyes with a warm smile.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now