Ch13: A Hot Shower, The Cure To Everything

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Number Five

♥︎Chapter Thirteen: A Hot Shower, The cure To Everything

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♥︎Chapter Thirteen:
A Hot Shower, The cure To Everything

Angelina had left soon after Diego, mumbling something about making sure Klaus had made it back okay before the door slammed shut behind her.

She had never felt more shit in her life.

Of course there was the whole hostage thing, as well as the Patch thing that according to Diego, the cops had come to take care of, which was some form of relief at least. Her stop off at the phone hadn't been for nothing. What she had felt had been for nothing was her run throughout the city to find the ungrateful little shit that she was currently trying to pretend didn't exist.

It was probably strange how she happened to end up exactly where she needed to be, but she put it down as another one of those random gut feeling things, directing her down several different side streets and alleyways until she was heaving in front of some kind of boxing ring/ gym place on the dodgy side of the town.

In the end, her overexertion had left her in a burnt out, salty mood. She was also frustrated the more she thought about it. She couldn't believe that he had the nerve to act that way. For the majority of the last week she had been dropping everything in her life to help him for a cause she didn't even know about, and this was how she was treated? Like he didn't even care?

Maybe he didn't. Maybe she shouldn't have even gotten involved in the first place because now she was in too deep. Apocalypses? Time traveling assassins? It sounded like the plot to some poorly written comic. Not only that, but Five was one of them? She wouldn't put it past the psycho to be some kind of mass murderer, but the fact he had worked with Hazel and Cha-Cha irked her. He was basically just like them.

Then came the issue of the withholding of the information of the end of the world. A bit of a mouthful. She wasn't even that mad anymore. Her anger had fizzled out the longer she walked. She didn't really know how she felt. She was offended by what he said, that it wasn't any of her business and that he had basically called her useless.

Maybe he was right about the 'none of her business' thing, but she was not useless, she knew better of herself than to doubt that. She just felt slightly betrayed, like she had been double crossed. She knew it was dumb, but she had told him things about herself that she didn't tell just anyone, and she thought he had been opening up too, but it was clear now that that was impossible for him. They could never be friends without the thought of even more secrets as big as the end of time being withheld from her.

Klaus had been wrong, but he had also been right. Five doesn't spend time with others by choice. She had just been a necessary inconvenience in his plan and he was still too much of an independent, stubborn ass to actually talk to people. He had been right about those things, but they were not close.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now