Ch16: The Plan Works, Until it Doesn't

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Number Five

♥︎Chapter Sixteen: The Plan Works, Until it Doesn't

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♥︎Chapter Sixteen:
The Plan Works, Until it Doesn't

☕︎Luther pulled up on the side of the road, where Five had told Hazel and Cha-Cha to meet them to get their briefcase back. The road was empty, and the older Hargreaves imagined that this would have been one of those comical moments where a tumbleweed rolled across the street. Afterall, they had arranged to negotiate in the middle of nowhere, but no such thing had happened.

He brushed off the unimportant thoughts. He wasn't used to his mind dillydallying, even in the empty moments where nothing happened. Even then, he was working away, thinking of possibilities and probabilities, theories and hypotheses, but now he was imagining things as mundane as tumbleweeds to pass the time?

He put it down as another negative effect of Angelina Campbell, the one person who he thought had a chance of helping him save the world, who never took anything seriously, except her current apparent hatred for him

He had apologized, and she had accepted it. She even apologized too. He had expected them too jump right back into stopping the end of everything, but she had decided to take a step back for a while, which caused a weird wave of disappointment to wash over him momentarily, but he had pushed that away too.

She looked like she hadn't slept in days, which was probably the case, so he assured himself that it was fine for her to sit out of the current task at hand. He didn't need her falling asleep on the job.

But the longer the day went on, the more he felt like she was just purposely avoiding him. He didn't like how that thought got to him, got under his skin and nagged away at him. He avoided people all the time, his own family included, but this was different. He thought that the apology meant she wasn't mad anymore, but maybe he was wrong?

It frustrated him that she hadn't just said that straight because now he had no idea how she felt. He was so used to knowing everything, being able to read people easily, but now that wasn't the case.

Not only that, but he had come to the uncomfortable revelation that missions were unbearably quiet without her there. Sure she was annoying and distracting and whenever she was around, he could barely focus on his own thoughts, but when she wasn't he could focus on them too much. With a mind as vast as his, it wasn't fun getting lost in it.

He tried to think of the upsides, that his tasks were actually filled out efficiently for once, with little to no fault. He had actually got things done. But his thoughts kept coming back to the idea that maybe her unconventional ideas that swerved them completely off course, would have made some of his fruitless attempts at solutions to their little problem a little more useful. If not, maybe just a little bit more interesting.

He had spent the majority of the morning finding the most probable people that caused the apocalypse, and that had been a bust because of Luther's morality. He wasn't sure how things would have turned out if Angelina was still there.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now