Ch6: Dolores

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Run Boy Run

♥︎Chapter six: Dolores

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♥︎Chapter six:

The world had disappeared around them, the ground pulling out beneath her. It felt like she was getting squished into a tiny ball while also being stretched out by the blue that surrounded her. Thankfully, the sensation was short, and when she landed on solid ground again, she was actually able to breath, but of course moments later, nausea hit her like a ton of bricks and her knees almost buckled. Even though it had only been seconds since her feet were on the ground, it felt like she had been floating around for hours, and she had forgotten what it was like to use her legs.

Annoyingly, the boy- or old man, which she had learned not so long ago- whose arm was still hooked around hers, probably the only thing keeping her standing, was standing perfectly fine, completely unaffected by his action.

"Jesus," she mumbled, shaking her head to try to rid herself of the nausea. She had teleported, or jumped, as he had called it, before, back at the diner, but that time she had been on a complete adrenaline high and she barely even noticed the bruises and cuts she got, let alone the brief dizziness she got after reappearing on the front counter.

"Come on," Five ordered, pulling his arm free and walking off towards a building that Angelina hadn't noticed. She hadn't even noticed they were standing in its car park.

"What are we doing at some department store? The Gimbel Brothers? What even is that?" She questioned, jogging to catch up with the boy-looking man. He also seemed to be unaffected by the rain pouring from the sky and the cold air whisking around them.

Being quite the opposite, Angelina pulled her jacket closer around her practically bare shoulders as she deeply regretted her decision to wear her white slippers, white slippers that were quickly turning brown and soggy.

"Meeting an old friend," was all he replied with as they approached the glass doors of the empty store. She knew it was well past closing time, and considering the lights were all off inside, she couldn't even imagine who this 'old friend' he was talking about was like. Probably as strange as him if they were meeting up in a closed store.

When they reached the doors, Angelina tugged on one of the metal doors, and as she predicted, it was locked. She turned back around to look at the boy with an expectant shrug, waiting for him to make his next move.

With an impatient eye roll, he took a step forward, grabbing the sleeve of her now wet jacket, and taking another step forward, but this time, vanishing into another flash of blue.

They both reappeared inside the vacant shop. Angelina wasn't prepared to do the whole jumping thing the first time, but a second time within only minutes of the first? She thought she was minutes away from throwing up. The whole sensation made her queasy and she was sure she'd never get used to it.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now