Ch9: Battle at The Academy

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Extra Ordinary

♥︎Chapter Nine: Battle at The Academy

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♥︎Chapter Nine:
Battle at The Academy

Emerging into the chaos amidst a humongous living room type area, Angelina was met face to face with a man in all black ducking from the all too familiar mask-wearing attackers from only the night before. She really couldn't catch a break.

Feathers flew everywhere as she watched the commotion of bullets flying across the room. The two stood a mere handful of feet away from her, their backs turned, making it the perfect opportunity for her. Without even thinking, she charged and pounced on the back of the one who she presumed was the man.

Clearly taken off guard, he struggled to stand straight as Angelina repeatedly whacked and kicked, all while trying not to get thrown off. The commotion of grunting and painful yelps caught the other one's attention, her gun raised in the air, ready to shoot the pesky kid, but before she could, the familiar face of Luther appeared in the doorway, grabbing the woman and launching her into the other room with his super strength. At least Angelina knew for definite that Five wasn't lying.

In the chaos of the surprising appearance of Luther, which really shouldn't have been that surprising considering it was his house, the masked man managed to get the upper hand and heaved her off of him, resulting in a loud whack and her back meeting the hard-wood floor very quickly, causing a very pained groan to escape her.

Through her squinted eyes and her view from the ground, she saw yet another gun pointed in her direction, but one again, another person jumped out of nowhere, a woman this time, kicking his gun out of hand and Angelina had to admit that it looked pretty badass, even from her limited view.

She continued her attack, kicking him in a skillful manner, until he managed to grab her, seizing her throat in his iron grip as he lifted her from the floor. Her feet dangled in the air as she struggled to breath, which was almost like a wakeup call to the girl.

Almost as if it had never happened, she scrambled up from where she had been dropped onto the floor and began whacking the man once again, but her small fists were nothing against his back that she reckoned was made from Vibranium or something like that, because it was if he didn't even feel it.

Only seconds later, when her attacks remained useless, did the man clad in black hurled out from wherever he had been cowering in the dark, throwing himself at the man as well. His aggressive, speedy attacks seemed to be a lot more effective, but the real kicker was when Luther returned from his own scuffle.

He grabbed the attacker, both the man in black and the woman stumbling back as he launched him like he had launched his partner into the hall.

Angelina let out a sigh, leaning back on a small table that sat beside one of the two extremely expensive looking couches in the center of the room, but of course her few seconds of relaxation were cut short when the woman who she had finally been able to get a good look at, began to charge at her as she breathed heavily.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now