Ch23: Saving Vanya Hargreeves- Goes Horribly Wrong

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I heard A Rumor

♥︎Chapter Twenty-Three: Saving Vanya Hargreeves- Goes Horribly Wrong

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Three:
Saving Vanya Hargreeves- Goes Horribly Wrong

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and were suddenly attacked by bright light.

She screwed them shut again as she adjusted her head on the uncomfortable car door. She would probably have a bright red mark on her cheek from her face being squished against the hard material for so long.

She had fallen asleep.

When she deemed it safe to do so, she opened her eyes again, slowly, so she could adjust to the new brightness that shone through the window. It was daytime. Obviously.

She couldn't remember when she had slipped out of consciousness, and she didn't know how long she had been that way, but the car was still driving, and they were still on the highway, so clearly she didn't miss anything important.

Her mind was still foggy from lack of function for some time, but she still noticed something peculiar. She didn't have any nightmares, let alone dreams.

She had had a peaceful night's rest.

Well, not exactly, but close enough. She still felt exhausted.

Why couldn't she just sleep like a normal person for once?

She reckoned that she was probably too stressed to actually sleep properly. She didn't understand it.

She was never stressed. Not before all this anyway. Obviously she got a little worried sometimes, but not like how she had been for basically three days straight. It almost felt like that empty pit in her stomach that appeared whenever anything bad was going to happen, except it was constant.

She wished it would stop.

She wished it would all just stop. Everything. All this superhero bullshit.

Of course she wanted to help everyone, but the weight of the responsibility was too much. There wasn't enough time at all left.

"Good morning sleepyhead." 

Angelina jolted up at the sound of another voice. Even though she knew Allison had obviously been driving the car- as who else would be making it move- she hadn't expected her to speak. There was a very quiet, contemplative atmosphere in the car with them. Clearly that didn't stop the woman from trying to be friendly.

The girl rubbed her neck where it had become stiff, sitting up straight in her seat for what must have been the first time in hours. She could tell by the cracking coming from her bones as she moved.

"What time is it?" she muttered, rubbing the sleep from her eyes so she could actually see clearly around her.

"Around seven. You missed a great sunrise," Allison smiled, but there was a stiffness in her voice. "We should be arriving in an hour or so. I pulled over for gas soon after we left so we shouldn't have to stop anywhere. There's a coffee in the back if you want it, but I'm pretty sure it's barely luke-warm at this point."

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now