Ch26: Trying New Things

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Six: Trying New Things

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Six:
Trying New Things

Angelina didn't know why she lied.

Maybe because she didn't want to be seen differently by him.

She knew she couldn't let the past she didn't even remember until this morning affect her now, since it was the past, but she didn't know if he'd think that way too.

She had been a part of the one thing that had tried to stop him from saving his family. The one thing that had turned him into a person that he didn't like. A killer.

She couldn't sit here with him knowing something like that. It would ruin him. He would hate her. He would probably try to kill her or something too.

She couldn't think of anything else as she tapped away nervously at the bar table she had sat down at ten minutes ago.

Well, she could think about the apocalypse. Not only because she couldn't even fathom that it had been stopped in the few hours she had been passed out, but also because Five wouldn't stop jabbering on about it as he concocted something bright green in a blender in front of her.

He called it a margarita, but it looked more like nuclear, toxic sludge to her.

He had also dragged the mannequin down for a drink, which was another thing that lingered at the back of her mind. Literally. She could feel its eyes bore into her head. Jesus, it was so creepy, but Five insisted, so she didn't see much point in arguing.

He mumbled away, presumably to her, though she wasn't listening, as he poured several different bottles of clear and colorful liquids that definitely didn't look safe for consumption into a blender. He looked like some evil little scientist, mixing his experiments away, and she was the test subject. She couldn't wait.

She was snapped out of her daydreams when the sudden aggressive noise of the blender blasted through her ears.

She hadn't realized how long she must have been staring off into space, unblinking, until she felt how dry her eyes had become. She blinked a good deal to try and get rid of the uncomfortable, itchy feeling, all while trying to restrain herself from 'accidentally' knocking the blender making that awful noise off of the counter top.

Her relief only came when it stopped.

She opened her eyes to see what had happened, because surely that hadn't been enough time to blend whatever he had dumped into it, unless he was going for that half-cut, lumpy texture.

It wouldn't surprise her. He reminded her of someone who'd have some pretty weird ideas of food combinations. In fact, she could see him to be some sort of food barbarian that committed war crimes with the meals he made. It made sense considering how long he'd been in a desolate version of the world they lived in now. He probably had a regular diet of dirt and moldy sandwiches.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now