Ch15: Egocentric Men (All of Them)

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Number Five

♥︎Chapter Fifteen: Egocentric Men (All of them)

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♥︎Chapter Fifteen:
Egocentric Men (All of them)

"Just go away, please."

Diego's hand remained glued to his brother's shoulder as Klaus tried to subtly wipe the tears forming in his eyes.

"Not until you talk to me."

Angelina stood across the room as she watched the scene unfold. She felt like she wasn't needed right now. This was a brother's moment. That was clear when the two had walked in to see Klaus staring at one of the many photographed walls, looking as if he might break into pieces at any moment. Diego had made an immediate beeline for his brother, even though he had been hesitant to actually place his hand on Klaus' shoulder.

Now she stood alone in a room of balding men and one or two women that gave her death stares every so often. She wasn't sure what that was about...

She tried not to focus on the granny glares, and rather on her two getaway drivers in case this thing went South, and by the stares they were collectively getting, she was sure something was about to go down.

Like she was some sort of seer, she looked up from the broken locket that dangled between her fingers, something she had only done for a split second, only to notice a white haired, cowboy-Santa Claus man crossing his way from where he had been previously seated. She straightened herself from where she had been leaning against the bar.

This guy might've looked like Father Christmas, but he had that passive aggressive redneck energy to him. The kind that went from passive to aggressive real fast. Neither of the brothers noticed the incoming presence as they continued.

Klaus let out a sigh, still refusing to look over at the other Hargreeves. "Is that a threat? You threatening me?"

"Hey guys," Saint Nick spoke up, finally catching the attention of the two. Mainly Diego actually, since Klaus still stared wistfully at the photographs. "This bar? It's for vets only."

Angie edged her way across the floor, making sure to keep a safe distance behind the pool table.

"I am a vet."

All three heads turned towards Klaus.

Angelina hoped it wasn't what she thought it was. That when Klaus had been sent back in time, he had served in a war? She couldn't even imagine how that must've been for him. Getting thrown into a war that didn't even belong to him and then suddenly just repairing back into modern day. No wonder he wasn't himself.

"Really?" Kris Kringle chuckled as if it was preposterous that this man could be a war veteran. The blonde's anger towards him quickly grew by the second. Who was he to judge? He didn't know what any of them had been through. "Where'd you serve?"

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now