Ch5: Breaking and Entering 2.0

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Run Boy Run

♥︎Chapter five: Breaking and Entering 2

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♥︎Chapter five:
Breaking and Entering 2.0

"Well, this is not good," Five muttered, trudging out of the building, absolutely deflated with the news he had received. Well, what news he hadn't received. Not only was he discouraged from yet another failed plan, but he was also gradually getting more and more agitated as the duo trailing in front of him, who were practically ecstatic, even after the dismal outcome, were joking around about what had just taken place inside the lab.

"I was pretty good though, right? 'Yeah, what about my consent bitch?'" he chuckled, hopping down the steps and onto the sidewalk. Angelina laughed too as she followed beside him.

"His face was priceless, you saw right? And especially at my bit. Did he really think I was gonna slice this maniac with a broken glass? So gullible," she sighed merrily, pointing towards the boy who walked behind them as she mentioned him, which only pissed him off further. How were they so casual about their failure? How could they possibly be joking right now, when the whole world was at stake?

"I can't blame him, you looked like a pair of matching psychos," he added, his comment not affecting his brother, not as much as the girl who walked in front of him, who almost looked offended. She was about to speak, but Klaus gasped and whirled to look at her before she could utter a word.

"What if we ran away together and became actors! Hollywood here we come!" he yelled, hopping in the air while pumping his fist in the air. Angelina rolled her eyes, glancing back at the boy as he was uncharacteristically quiet. He felt her eyes bore into his face, even as he kept his eyes on the ground, trying not to snap at either of the two, their humorous exchange almost mocking his frustration.

"I would but I probably have to get consent from this one, you know, to see I have permission to leave-"

Angelina's joke was cut off by the same person she was talking about. The same person eavesdropping on their conversation. "If you want to leave so badly, just go," he huffed, shocking the two who turned to look at him. They were met with his tense jaw and his eyes, filled with annoyance.

"Woah... what?" she questioned, clear confusion as well as shock, washing over her face. It was clear, that was not what she was expecting to hear out of his mouth, especially so out of the blue, but he was a currently ticking time bomb, trying to diffuse another, humanity threatening time bomb, that was quickly running out of time.

"You're no help to me anyway so just go!" he snapped, moving his arms angrily around to add emphasis, something he did when he couldn't articulate how intensely he felt something, like now. How pissed off, frustrated, disgruntled, stressed, distressed, he was, but not even those words were enough.

It wasn't anything personal against the girl. Well, that would be a lie. Over the time he had known her, less than twenty-four hours to be exact, he had found her quite irritable and she frankly reminded him too much of his nuisance siblings, but he didn't hate her. He was smart enough to admit that his outburst was mainly just the pent up emotions he had felt in the last day and a half. In his head at least. She'd understand that of course.

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