Ch29: Family Reunions

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The White Violin

♥︎Chapter Twenty-Nine: Family Reunions

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Nine:
Family Reunions

Two pairs of bowling shoes hit the brightly colored, carpeted floors at the same time.

Angelina's eyes stayed glued to that carpet as she tried to blink away the blurriness and dark spots of her vision.

Her first instinct had been to look around and see where they had appeared this time, but with the amount of times she had tumbled through space vortexes and flashing light that day, she had to grab onto something to keep her from falling over her own two feet and onto the carpet.

That something was Five, and he did not react too kindly to this.

In hindsight, it might not have been because she was using him as a human railing to stop herself from falling.

He was probably more ticked off that she was actually there.

He whirled around, swatting her away, looking angrier than she had ever seen him before, especially at her. He had never really been mad at her, but it looked like today was the day that changed.

It wasn't like when they had that stupid argument days ago- or however long it had been at this point.

He looked scared.

He reached out and grabbed her shoulders in a panic, staring into her soul with wide eyes full of fury and worry like he was at almost a constant recently, except now it was amplified.

"What the hell did you do? Why are you here?" He whispered frantically, glancing over his shoulder and down the hall, as if something, or someone could be listening in.

Angie tried to follow his gaze, looking down the hallway and noticing the door lined walls. It looked like they were in some sort of hotel. A slightly crappy one, but a hotel still.

Had he really abandoned his family to go to a hotel? Risking the world so he could come to this place? What was going on here?

And why couldn't she know?

She turned back to him, grabbing his stretched out arms and narrowing her eyes at him.

"I'm here because we said we'd tell each other things, remember, or did that conveniently slip your mind?" She questioned, genuinely sick and tired of this shit. Did these promises only apply to her? She was angry too, but it was in typical Angelina fashion, and that just infuriated her more, because she cared too much. Because of her loyalty towards that asshole. "We're in this together, even if you don't want my help. Even if you don't think I should get a say in this because I'm not your family. I don't care. I'm here, and I'm going to help you."

The boy stared at her for a hard second, trying to process those words, clearly not expecting such an outburst at a time like this, until he quickly shook his head, his eyes wide and disbelieving.

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