Ch24: Concussion Flashbacks

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Four: Concussion Flashbacks

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Four:
Concussion Flashbacks

☕︎For the second time that night, a car belonging to the Hargreeves stopped outside the Jenkins' residence.

Though this time, after a long day of heavy hangovers, escaping prison, getting over a shrapnel wound and contacting dead relatives to tell the secrets of their mysterious death, it was the Hargreeves brothers that decided to finally make their appearance.

Luther was the first to burst through the door. Even though he had been wallowing in his own sadness all day, the news of Allison going off to confront a serial killer was enough to get him on his feet and pushing past his other siblings.

Klaus followed behind. Even though he didn't have the same... interesting relationship with her, he still cared about his sister and her well being. He also cared about his friend.

Even though he didn't know her long, after being tied to chairs and being beaten by crazy time-traveling assassins in a motel with her, friend was probably a suitable title for her.

Even though she didn't have to say it, he knew that she was like him. She was scared of her powers and she understood that he was too.

He supposed that maybe it had been something her and Allison had bonded over too.

He was glad that there was someone in their lives that actually understood their family.

He just hoped that her ties with them wouldn't be her downfall. He also hoped that the two's inability to use their powers wouldn't lead them to the same fate, but he and everyone else with him could tell something was wrong.

Even though none of them contained psychic abilities, it wasn't hard to assume.

Diego, who was already a natural pessimist, tried not to think about it. His sister not being okay, or the girl he had caused to go with her because he had gotten himself arrested. He couldn't have that blood on his hands.

It would be all his fault.

That was why the three rushed up the stairs onto the porch with their hearts pounding and lumps in their throats.

There was a feeling within all of them that their heroism wouldn't let them feel. A thought that nagged at the back of their minds telling them not to open the door, because that would make everything real.

Because if they opened the door, and saw something they didn't like, they couldn't go back and change it.

But the valiance that grew up with them through their childhood and throughout the rest of their lives that made them stubborn jackasses made them push on.

But that slim chance that no one had been hurt, that they were just in time to save the day like they always were was just that. A slim chance. It wasn't what had actually happened. It had been a figment of their imaginations, a hope to get them through the car ride there without actually exploding from stress.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now