Ch11: It Can Only Get Worse

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Man on the Moon

♥︎Chapter Eleven: It Can Only Get Worse

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♥︎Chapter Eleven:
It Can Only Get Worse

Angelina wanted to bash her head into a wall.

She was once again in the familiar haunting world of her dreams and she was very much aware of it. It was strange how her brain decided to pick and choose when and if she knew it was all fiction of her mind, or how it constantly warped the scenery each time, like how the room before her looked much less rotten than it had before, like the decades of decomposition had been reversed with a snap of her fingers.

While the much brighter colors that surrounded her this time brought a new feeling of ease, she couldn't help feel slightly shaken. No amount of bright colors could ever help her feel fully at ease in this familiar yet foreign plain. Goosebumps were ever present in this room, even as the temperature varied each time she visited. This time, like every time, was different.

It was cozily warm, almost suffocatingly so, but in strange contrast with the cold cloudiness shining through the windows. All the furniture was hole free, but there were still reminiscent pools of dust here and there, though while everything was in pretty mint condition, The house was still trashed.

Like she had seen it hours ago, or at least what felt like hours ago, glass from shattered picture frames and mirrors littered the shiny hardwood floors, the television had been smashed in and trinkets lay like they had fallen from their previous spots on side tables or shelves and, of course, the door was flat against the floor instead of on its hinges. It felt like she had woken up at least fifteen years before all the mold and deterioration had taken its toll and it was freaky.

One thing that was new though, was the absolutely putrid stench that stunk up the whole room. She knew that the air quality hadn't exactly been vanilla and roses the last time, but it was like it had been multiplied by a million. She had to shield her nose with her arm in hopes of blocking the scent from entering her air waves, especially as she struggled to not throw up all over the dream room.

She didn't want to be there right now. There were more important things at hand, like being held hostage and tortured by two crazed, middle-aged crazy people who had nothing better to do with there lives than hunt down a boy who looked very young for his age. She just wanted to wake up and end her suffering in that awful place, but she knew that her mind would have other plans for her.

Little did she know how adamant it was she followed through, as her feet began to travel across the floor, moving away from the fallen door, her consciousness taking the reins as she was pulled along for the ride. Great.

She scuffled across the room, the unwillingness of her movements making her look like she was only just learning how to walk, and barely just getting the hang of it. She wasn't even that bothered to fight the pull anymore. She knew at this point that her mind was trying to tell her something, but made sure to be a confusing prick as it did. Nothing ever came easy did it? Not even in your own head.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now