Ch10: All Time Low

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Man On The Moon

♥︎Chapter Ten:All Time Low

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♥︎Chapter Ten:
All Time Low

Her head ached, but not like some little pain in her head. No, it felt like she had been hit with a semi-truck at least four times. Not only that, but everywhere else hurt too. Her wrists stung and her body was stiff but she couldn't fathom why.

Her surroundings felt strange too, but whenever she tried to open her eyes, she failed, her eyelids feeling like they weighed a thousand pounds. She was too groggy to focus on anything around her, the sounds, the feeling. She could feel the darkness starting to take over her once again, but she fought to stay awake.

She tried to speak, but barely anything came from her extremely dry throat. She started to panic. What was wrong with her? What was going on? Where was she?

She wanted to move, to get up and open her eyes to see that maybe she was hopefully in her cozy little bedroom back at the orphanage, or maybe even in that god damn plumbing van, but she couldn't. Not that she physically couldn't, granted it was a struggle, but when she tried to move any part of her body, she felt the bindings restricting her movement. That was enough to lift the weight from her eyes.

The sudden brightness in front of her caused her to squint almost immediately, but it wasn't many seconds before her vision refocused, especially considering it wasn't even that bright.

She was in a car, a shitty one at that. It felt like it would fall apart if they went too fast over a speed bump from how rickety it was going as it moved. Angelina was located in the back of the car. To be more specific, she was sprawled out on the back seats, duct tape wrapped around her every few inches, making it quite literally impossible for her to move.

Her stinging eyes shot up to the window by her legs, noting that the sky was still dark and that not much time had passed while she had been out. As she tried to shimmy her way around to get a better look out the moving window, she finally seemed to register the voice in the front seat.

"Goddammit Hazel, why do you gotta leave me with all the dirty work," the masked woman grumbled, except, she wasn't masked. She sat in the driver's seat talking to herself considering 'Hazel', who Angelina assumed was the man, was nowhere in sight. She wondered if maybe he was still back at the academy.

Then she wondered what was going on there right now. Had much time passed? Did they notice her missing? Even though she didn't know them well at all, she liked to think so. Had Five realized something was wrong?

She thought back on the events, how she had been grabbed right up like she was nothing but a freaking sack of potatoes. She just wanted to see if Klaus was ok, if maybe they had found him. Maybe they had and she was too late. Maybe Hazel had him. She really had no way to know. She just lay there dropping her head back onto the seat.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ❥𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝘆Where stories live. Discover now