Ch28: Arguments With a Side of Bowling

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The White Violin

♥︎Chapter Twenty-Eight: Arguments With a Side of Bowling

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♥︎Chapter Twenty-Eight:
Arguments With a Side of Bowling

Angelina didn't snap out of her daze until she stood among the rest of the Hargreeves.

Everything was falling apart.

Not just literally, but figuratively too.

She felt like it was her fault.

How could she not have remembered what had happened sooner? If she did, she could have stopped all of this.

It had only clicked when she had seen everything crumbling and in flames.

She cursed herself for not remembering sooner.

Now the Umbrella Academy stood as a half standing building, half pile of ashes, and she was to blame. She couldn't shake the guilt. Maybe she could've helped. Maybe she could've spoken to Vanya, to stop whatever had caused her to get mad enough to destroy her home and almost everyone in it. Maybe-

"You're not listening to me," Five muttered through gritted teeth, bringing Angelina back to the present, the only thing that mattered right now. She could dwell on the past another time. Right now, the apocalypse was still coming. Somehow.

It appeared she wasn't the only one who wasn't sure about the factuality of that news.

"When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth's still in one piece, but not the Academy," he continued his rant to the rest of his siblings, jogging her back up to speed with what was going on as he shook his newspaper dearly in his hand as he spoke.

Instead of getting a straight reply from anyone, whether it was an understanding nod, guaranteeing at least one person understood or a genuine question about how absurd this all was, Klaus snatched the paper from his brother's grasp and unfolded it, scanning the pages for what Five was jabbering on about.

"I'm confused."

"Then listen to me, you idiot!" the boy yelled out in frustration, one that Angelina felt was justified. She wished she was able to back him up, but not only was she also completely baffled by what was going on along with his siblings, but was still too shaken to even think properly. She admired how easily Five was able to jump back into action knowing he could very much be wiped out of existence in the next few hours. He was able to explain everything he had an idea of with that knowledge at the back of his mind. "Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse."

A silence weighted over the group, except it wasn't actually quiet. Sirens could be heard, as well as helicopters whirring above them in the night sky. It was daunting.

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