Wider World

978 119 54

"But I prefer..." Lan Wangji's voice trailed off as he pointed at the black fitted boxers. Yu Bin was staring at him.

"Sir, these are the style commonly handed out. The ones we bought before are just going into the backpack. Like props. If you get caught, the more accurate we are, the better." He held up a three pack of underwear commonly referred to as 'tighty whiteys'. "One will go in the bag, the other two you can wear while on the street."

The detective nodded his understanding.

Yu Bin still hadn't blinked. He wasn't sure what to think about knowing Detective Lan Wangji's preferred style of underwear. He decided he would take the secret to his grave.

Satisfied with his decision, he focused on the man before him. "We still need socks, a hat, a tooth brush and a few small toiletries, sir."

At the moment, the two of them were in a chain store that was open 24/7. Yu Bin was fairly sure Lan Wangji had never been in one in his life. The detective was looking at everything as if it was all brand new to him.

A six pack of white sweat socks, a grey beanie, a light blue toothbrush, a sample size container of toothpaste and one of soap completed the shopping.

Once they were in Lan Wangji's car, Yu Bin handed him the toothbrush. "Chew on it."

"Excuse me?" His voice was a bit stiff.

"It will make it appear like it has been used for a long time. When the choice is a new toothbrush or eating, people will always choose eating, sir." His voice was quiet but firm.

"Of course." Feeling slightly ashamed, he opened the packaging and began to chew on the head of the toothbrush.

He knew his life was insulated from the harsher realities. Between his uncle and his brother, it always had been. Even his experience as a police officer, before he became a detective, was in a quiet suburbia. No beggars. No pimps. No prostitutes. But also, no Yiling.

His unconscious inclusion of Yiling as a positive confused him but he put it to the side for later contemplation.

"My apologies, Yu Bin. I did not mean to offend." He was sincere.

Yu Bin sighed. "I am concerned, sir. Since you won't let me go in your place, all I can do is make sure your disguise is as perfect as I can get it. The surveillance will go smoother if you aren't worth even looking at. If they catch you and realize you are a police officer... Sir, I don't think you would be killed but they won't hesitate to hurt you. Badly." He paused to let his words sink in.

Lan Wangji thought for a moment. 'The risk is worth the results.' He nodded then looked Yu Bin in the eye.  "I understand."

The policeman searched the detective's eyes. He was serious and he understood what could happen. "Then, let's do this. When do you want to be on the street, sir?"

"As soon as possible."

A thoughtful nod. "Give me two days. We'll work on your mannerisms, dirty the clothing, pack the bag, fold the sign enough times to permanently crease it." Yu Bin looked up. "We'll have to take time off and on short notice. Is that acceptable, sir?"

"More than acceptable. Thank you, Yu Bin." A moment's thought.

"I have several things I would like you to consider. First. I would like to borrow you from your department for a week. Perhaps more. While not common, it has been done. Then getting time off is not an issue. I don't think my inspector will have a problem with my plan.  With your permission, I will approach the head of your department to make the arrangements if he is willing. Second. You have a talent for undercover work. I do not know if you would be comfortable doing deep covers but your understanding of the intricacies of street life are invaluable. Again with your permission, I would like to recommend you to Nie Huaisang. I ask that you seriously consider both before answering."

Yu Bin's mouth gaped. "I do not need time to consider the first. I would feel much better if you had back up while you are doing your surveillance. Please feel free to put in the request. The second I will seriously think about. It is an option I have never considered. Thank you, sir."

"And here." Lan Wangji handed Yu Bin three one hundred yuan bills.* "Thank you for purchasing the clothing. May I drop you at home or at your vehicle?"

Yu Bin carefully took the crisp new one hundred yuan bills. He had been right when he chose to pay. If the clothing had been paid for with these, the owners would have taken notice. Definitely not something they wanted.

"Thank you, sir." His voice was shy. "I appreciate it."

He smiled. There it was again. The innocence Lan Wangji had noticed the first time they met. "I don't have a car, sir, but I wouldn't mind being dropped at my apartment. Thank you."

He gave the detective his address and settled in for the ride.
Yiling slapped his alarm clock. It's wheezy screech was like nails on a chalkboard but it worked. He hated mornings.

Laying his book aside, he stretched and ran his fingers through his hair. It was his day off. He laid back down on the mat. He had to wash the bed sheets which meant stomping on them in a tub, rinsing them and then taking them to the laundry mat to use the dryer. While they dried, he would go to the little grocery store across the street. Pick up Ramen, rice and some vegetables. Then back home for more sleep.

Lying with his eyes closed, he could suddenly see A-yu as they went through the same pattern. Stomping the sheets clean, laundromat, grocery store then back to the room. He felt tears begin to trickle down the side of his face to pool in his ear.

'A-yu, what happened? Who did this to you?' Yiling could only see Wen Chao's loathsome face. He was the one who had decided to punish Mo Xuanyu. If Wen Chao didn't do it himself, he sure as hell did nothing to stop it.

Yiling froze. Could he put together enough proof to jail Wen Chao for A-yu's murder? Probably not but he could gather information and maybe someone could catch his killer. Maybe that detective... he knew his name but he didn't have a phone and he couldn't go to the station. It was too risky to him and to them.

He stood and rolled his mat up to be tucked under the bed. Right now, he didn't have to think about it. If he managed to get any information, then he would worry about it.

It took him an hour to stomp and rinse the sheets and his own clothes. He hung his clothes up to dry in the tiny bathroom and gathered the heavy wet sheets in his tub to carry to the laundry mat.

As he left, one of the ladies who worked in the brothel saw him and came downstairs to greet him.

"Yiling! I have a steamed bun for you." She beamed and leaned forward conspiratorially. "It's BBQ and very good. I saved you the last one."

Mian-Mian and the rest of the ladies doted on Yiling since he was always ready to help them. Move furniture, simple fixes when something broke - it didnt matter. Yiling and his sunshine smile were at least willing to try.

"Thank you, Mian-Mian!" Yiling took a big bite. It was still warm. He moaned. "Delicious!" He hadn't had meat in a week.

"Now go and get your sheets dry. Enjoy your day, Yiling!" She patted his arm and ran back up the stairs.

Chewing happily, Yiling continued down the street.


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The title for this chapter is a reference to Lan Wangji finding out a bit of how average/poorer people live and Yiling being outside the confines of his room within the red light community.

HUGS and SMILES  to ALL! ❤😁❤


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