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Nie Mingjue was running on a caffeine high. He knew the crash was coming but he had time before that happened. He had texted his brother telling him he would have to go with the diver. Huaisang and Ryan had met before so it shouldn't be a problem.

What surprised him was there had been no answer from his di-di. He was a light sleeper to say the least. It was just after seven so he should be up. Maybe he was just busy with Yu Bin. Huaisang had mentioned he wasn't doing well.

His keys jingled in the lock as he opened his door. The scent of his house flowed over him as he turned to close and lock it. Plants, clean linen, softly scented candles... it was relaxing.

A waft from his clothing. Definitely not relaxing. He tossed the keys and his wallet on the hall table then headed for his small laundry room. The sun shone in the tiny window as he stripped down and slung his disgusting clothes into the washer.

He'd sprayed his sports coat with Febreeze and left it in the trunk of his car. It was foolish to wear his favorite to serve the search warrant but if you can't dress up when taking down Wen Chao, when can you dress up? A laugh at his own joke. He'd drop it at the cleaners next week.

Naked, he walked through his living room breathing deeply. Letting the fresh scents of his home clear away what was left of the stench.

If there was a God he'd be willing to serve whole heartedly, it would be the God of Hot Water. He stood under the warmth letting it cascade over him. Slipping through his hair. Sheeting down his chest and back. He sighed.

Shampooing his hair, he massaged his scalp wishing there was someone who wanted to do this for him. He rinsed his hair and pushed it back from his face. He began scrubbing his body making sure he missed nothing. There would not even be a nose full of scent left from that disgusting place.


(End is marked)

It was odd how he was suddenly aware of his body. The curve of his muscles as he ran soap covered hands over them. It had been a long time since anyone had touched him this way. Caressed and tasted his skin.

Nie Mingjue had a secret.

He preferred sex as part of a trio. He loved how he felt immersed in the touches. Drowning in lust as he accepted and gave waves of pleasure.

Once, long ago, he had been part of a trio. A relationship. He had loved them deeply. Their Sunday tradition had been piling in bed with tea or coffee. Talking about the week past, the week to come, cuddling and dozing. Just being together in a warm messy mass.

He had been so happy with them.

The other man and woman had decided they wanted the relationship to be only themselves. They had left him. Alone and with no answers. Never knowing what had gone wrong.

What he had done wrong.

He remembered that pain. Now only a quiet tink as a drop falling into a cavern pool. Then it had been a devastating hurricane. One he had carefully hid from everyone.

Only his brother had known and taken care of him when he was the most broken.

His hand slid further down his body. Running a finger down his torso. Feeling his nipples harden. Feeling his cock twitch.

He remembered what it had felt like and decided it was his life. His memories. He accepted they left but his memories were his. His touch firmed.

Tracing the line of hair from his belly button down until he could grip himself. He remembered the feel of two tongues licking and sucking his cock. It jerked to life as he slowly pumped. Lost in the surge of memory flowing through him. Feeling the water slip over him with warmth. Touching his body as they once had. Feeling the water curve over his firm, plump ass and flowing down his legs. Remembering the joy of filling and being filled.

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