Break and Change

801 108 61

The afternoon waned and the temperature began to drop. Yiling tucked his hands further into his thin jacket and took a last look at the park. Absorbing as much of the peace he had experienced there as he could.

His steps were lighter as he headed back to his room. Time for some dinner and to read. Let his mind escape when his body couldn't.

It wasn't long before he was in his chair with some fried rice and a cup of tea, fighting orcs in Moria.
Yu Bin looked at an increasingly frustrated Lan Wangji. The detective could make the motions but he couldn't pull off the aura? the vibe? of being a beggar. Unless...

"I have a suggestion." Lan Wangji looked up. It was midnight. He was tired and totally annoyed with himself. All day he had been trying to do as Yu Bin instructed. He could copy the actions but it wasn't believable. His sign might as well say Give to the Police Retirement Fund. He wasn't going to fool anyone.

"I see two possibilities. The first is we switch roles. You roam and I'll beg. The second, well..." Yu Bin was feeling awkward. How to put it delicately?

"Umm... you just act like you with a few modifications and we pass you off as crazy." The beat cop developed a sudden fascination with his shoes. He was waiting for the explosion. Well, he did work for Jiang Cheng after all.

"Mn." That was it.

Several moments passed and Yu Bin couldn't take it anymore. He looked up to see the detective was seriously considering the options. A sigh of relief escaped him.

"I will roam but there is a problem. I- " he cleared his throat. "I have no tolerance for alcohol. As in none."  He looked up at Yu Bin. "Is that a concern?"

"Shouldn't be. We'll splash you with cheap booze. Empty the bottle and fill it with flat watered soda. No bubbles to give you away if it's flat. If you put the real stuff on the paper bag you've got holding the bottle, it will smell right and no one should know the difference. Alcoholics aren't known for sharing."

"How do you know all this?" Lan Wangji just stared. He was dumbfounded. Yu Bin had casually tossed off a solution that would have never occurred to him. Ever.

"Just seemed logical, sir." The man blushed, pleased he had  an answer for the detective's problem. "I would suggest bijou* for your booze. It is strong so the smell will carry and it is very common there."

"Mn." He had to get this young man in contact with Nie Huaisang. "Agreed."

"I have a question. How do we record audio or pictures if an event occurs? Having video would be preferable but either is better than nothing." The detective had his own ideas on this but he wanted to see what the resourceful cop would come up with.

"Hmmm... this isn't easy. Systems that are small enough to not give us away are expensive, sir. Plus you need to make sure there's no glare coming off a lens while still getting a clear view. I suggest we contact Nie Huaisang. He is known for being very tech savvy. He should have ideas at least."

"Agreed." These had been Lan Wangji's thoughts as well.

"And sir? We need a way to call for back up if everything goes wrong. I think Nie Huaisang can help us with that as well."

A nod.  "We should sleep now and begin again in the morning. Please consider what I should know in my new role. Would you be comfortable simply staying here tonight? I have pajamas and toiletries for your use if you choose to stay."

Yu Bin was surprised. He had been prepared to call a DiDi*.

"Are you sure, sir? I don't want to be an inconvenience."

"Yu Bin, it is your knowledge and help that is making my plan a functional possibility. You are in no way an inconvenience." Lan Wangji disappeared into what Yu Bin assumed was his bedroom only to return moments later with a pair of pajamas, a new toothbrush and toothpaste.

"The guest room is here. There are towels and other toiletries in the bathroom. Please knock on my bedroom door if you require anything. Good night,  Yu Bin."

"Good night, sir. Thank you."

Lan Wangji nodded and closed his bedroom door.

The next morning Yu Bin woke after a great night's sleep. The bed had been comfortable, the sheets soft, blankets warm. He was ready to face the day's tasks.

He wandered out of his room to get a glass of water when a motion in the garden caught his attention. Lan Wangji was in the middle of the velvet green lawn in loose white cotton trousers. A white bandana printed with a cloud pattern was folded and worn across his forehead. His upper body was bare to the morning chill but it shone with a light coating of sweat. There was no extra fat on the man. He was all lean muscle.

Yu Bin walked closer to the door. Watching. Lan Wangji was doing tai chi* . His moves were smooth. Graceful. He was obviously practiced in the art. The young man was curious though why the detective was covered in sweat.

That's when Lan Wangji exploded into all the moves he had just practiced but at full speed. Yu Bin had never seen anything like it. It was easy to forget tai chi wasn't just a way for older people to exercise in the park. It was a martial art. Lan Wangji had turned into a warrior with power, confidence and precision right before Yu Bin's eyes. He pitied anyone who decided to push the detective too far.

He quietly left the doorway to give the man time to finish his exercise.

It wasn't long before Lan Wangji returned to the house. He was surprised to find Yu Bin seated at the kitchen counter reading the news on his phone.

"Good morning. I suggest we clean up and go into the precinct first thing." Lan Wangji stood near the door to his bedroom while wiping the sweat off his face. "We can pick up coffee and tea on the way in. We can also stop at your apartment for fresh clothing. Would it be inconvenient for you to stay here for the next several days?"

Yu Bin was surprised but considered the idea. It made sense.

"That is a good idea, sir. Thank you for the offer. It won't take long for me to pack once I reach my apartment."

A nod. "I suggest we prepare quickly since we have stops to make before arriving at the precinct."

"Agreed, sir." Both men moved with a purpose. It was going to be a busy day.

Bijou is a strong, clear alcohol served in China. To my taste buds, it is comparable to white lightning (also known as moonshine). It is quite strong and was usually served in a small shot glass with no mixer.

DiDi is the Chinese equivalent of Uber.

Tai chi has as one of it's principles the idea of not 'practice makes perfect' but 'perfect practice'. It seemed appropriate for Lan Zhan. The lack of shirt was my own preference. 😏

Hope all of you remember you are amazing!

Wishing you smiles!

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