City at Night: Part 5

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It took about an hour, but Steve Cheng managed to find six bullhorns. He approved of Nie Mingjue's plan. At the least, it was worth a shot.

The other five officers were surprised and a little unsure. It took more explaining and detailed descriptions of the locations and possible scenarios before they were comfortable with the inspector's ideas.

"Everybody good to go?" Nie Mingjue asked.

"Yes, sir!" was heard from around the map table.

"Security will take you to your spots. Some of them are a bit obscure. Don't want anyone getting lost." Nie Mingjue looked at the one officer with a rifle. "I need to take your rifle. I'm taking the Emergency Room entrance and the closest I can be is the fourth floor."

The officer nodded. "Just be careful with her, Inspector. Her name is Xīnyuè."**

"I'll treat her like the lady she is." It was a solemn moment. Officers formed attachments to their weapons. Their lives could depend on them.

The officer handed Xīnyuè to Nie Mingjue, who, true to his word, accepted her carefully. Final nods and the officers all left with walkie talkies, bullhorns, pistols, and their guides.

Nie Mingjue had been sitting patiently at his post for several hours when Steve Cheng showed up with two cups of coffee.

"How goes it?" he asked as he handed over one of the cups.

"No real change from what I reported earlier. There's still rioting in the Red Light District but it isn't extensive. Problem is Gusu-Lan is the closest hospital for any injured." An appreciative sip of coffee. "That's good!"

"I already informed Dr. Lan concerning possible patients. Anything else I should know?" Steve sipped at his own coffee as he looked out the window.

"City Hall has thousands of people in front of it. Right now it's a stand off. Keep your fingers crossed it stays that way."

Steve Cheng sent a text to Dr. Lan regarding City Hall before settling in for a moment to drink his coffee with the Inspector. They both deserved a break from the stress of the evening.

The companionable silence was broken by the walkie talkie's squawk.

"Chief? You there?"

"I'm here. What have you got?"

"People, sir. They're headed toward the ER** entrance."

"How do they look?"

"Small groups. They seem to be bringing in injured."

"On my way!" He looked at Nie Mingjue. "Show time. Good luck!"

"Same to you." Nie Mingjue watched as Steve Cheng hustled down the hallway to direct his people. Looking out the window again, he waited. He didn't know if his idea would work but it had been cleared by the head of security and, with a few amendments, by Lan Xichen.

At the least, it was worth a try.

He crossed his fingers and passed the information on to his men.

After getting initially settled in his spot, he had texted Huisang and let him know he was assigned to the hospital. The response had taken a bit and mostly discussed how Yu Bin was doing.

Mingjue smiled. He had honestly thought his brother would never open his heart again. Despite the charming facade, he was dedicated to taking down Wen Chao and work. That was pretty much all his life contained. Who knew it would take a twenty-two year old beat cop with a smile full of innocence to break through those barriers?

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