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⚠️ Some graphic descriptions ⚠️

Wen Chao was contentedly sleeping when one of his guards knocked on his bedroom door.

"Fuck off." was not an unexpected response. He hadn't even bothered to lift his head when he said it.

"Boss? It's him. Your current problem." The voice, even filtered through the door, was clearly hesitant to mention his boss's latest headache.

"I'm going to kill this little bastard. It isn't even noon?" Wen Chao was pissed and he hadn't made it out of his bed yet. "Come in!"

The guard mentally groaned. Boss was going to yell at him. That he could mostly handle. There was a bigger problem. Wen Chao preferred to sleep naked. It was hard to forget seeing something like that. He shuddered and respectfully entered the room.

"Yes, Boss?" He stared at the floor like his life depended on it.

"Put that asshole in the living room. Tell him I'll be there. Make me coffee." Wen Chao scratched at his belly and stretched.

"Yes, Boss." The guard respectfully bowed and, if his departure was a little hurried, Wen Chao didn't notice.

Wen Chao grumbled all the way to the bathroom. He took a half-hearted shower and dressed in his favorite shirt. Garish red with gaudy suns, it was hideous but it fit his personality to a tee. He slipped on ill-fitting jeans and headed downstairs.

Walking into his living room, he saw two men. One was his problem. The other was Su She, the problem's shadow. He didn't like either one. To add insult to injury, they were both drinking beers. His beer. Wen Chao gave them a surly look. "What the hell do you want?"

Jin Zixun smiled smugly. "More."

"You've caused a helluva lot of problems for me, Jin Zixun. I think you've had enough." Wen Chao's look should have been a warning. Was a warning. Not for Jin Zixun. An arrogant man, he firmly believed in the invulnerability of his powerful family. He was untouchable so he could ignore everyone else. Not a particularly wise idea when dealing with Wen Chao.

"I won't give you anymore of my stable. Not after what you did last time." Wen Chao had gone cold. Serious.

"I'll pay for the damages. Not a problem." he spread his hands magnanimously sure Wen Chao couldn't say no to that.

The time Jin Zixun spent torturing Mo Xuanyu had been the best experience of his life. So beautiful with the blood caressing his face, gracing his neck. The power over the man as he begged and pleaded for Jin Zixuan to stop. It was like getting high on his favorite cocaine. His screams were delicious and curled around his dick like a loving hand. He had cum untouched watching Mo Xuanyu's agony. He began to harden at just the thought.

He was going to have more if he had to make Wen Chao do it. His smug smile widened.

"Deal. But the answer is still no. Hiding a murder isn't so easy, Jin Zixun. People knew him. Then you let him fucking escape to die IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!" he screamed enraged. "YOU MADE THIS FUCKING MESS AND YOU WANT MORE?" Wen Chao's face was bright red, veins popping, spit flying.

Jin Zixun's smug smile was fading. Su She had visibly shrunk and moved further into the sofa. Wen Chao was breathing hard as he tried to decide if he should just kill this bastard right here, right now. Ahhh... the temptation.

"Here is what we are going to do. You, Jin Zixun, are going to go to your daddy. You are going to tell him I have a little insurance put back. If he's interested in what you've been up to lately, I'll send him a copy."

Jin Zixun paled. The smug smile long gone.

"You will tell him he will be paying me for the rest of his life or the insurance will become public. Can you just imagine? The video will play so well. Still shots in the papers." A malicious grin. "People living in caves will know who you are when I'm done. Your whole fucking family destroyed." Wen Chao began to laugh. He couldn't help it. Jin Zixun looked like he was going to puke.

"You will give me what I want, when I want it, Jin Zixun. Or I will crush you." Wen Chao's voice left no doubt in the trembling man now stripped of everything but his vulnerability.

"Say it, Jin Zixun." The pimp looked into Jin Zixun's eyes and fed on the fear.

"I-" Jin Zixun's voice choked off into nothing. He tried again. "I w-will give you what you want, when you want it." The words dwindled off into a whisper.

"We will begin with 32000¥** a month. I know what your family is worth. I will contact you at my convenience. I know everything about you, Jin Zixun. You can't escape." Wen Chao's tone and eyes were flat. Deadly.

"Do you understand?" Both men on the sofa were frantically nodding their heads.

"Good. Now, get the fuck out of my house. Give my regards to the mayor. I'm sure he'll be very excited to hear your news." Wen Chao's laugh was low and murderous.

Jin Zixun and Su She fled.

It was after two pm before Nie Huaisang could text Lan Wangji again. His morning had disappeared to Jiang Cheng, a fact he didn't regret in the slightest, but he had to play catch up after lunch.

NH: OMW around 4 pm. Dinner is on you. On the streets by 6?

LW: Good much to discuss. Acceptable. Yes.

Nie Huaisang laughed. Lan Wangji texted the same way he spoke.

He went back to the paperwork his secretary, Ouyang Zizhen, had been pushing at him for three days. He liked his secretary. He took most of Nie Huaisang's idiosyncrasies in stride, was quite efficient and didn't care if the Inspector called him into the office in the wee hours of the morning. Best of all, Ouyang Zizhen kept his mouth shut.


Two hours flew past. With the most important paperwork completed, he closed his laptop and got ready to head to Lan Wangji and Yu Bin.

He smiled at the thought of the beat cop happily eating wontons and sharing funny stories about calls he had been sent on. His favorite was about an elderly woman who lived alone. She had called the police to come clean her gutter. It was over flowing and making a mess of her balcony. Yu Bin had politely denied her request to the wizened woman's confusion. Her logic had been sound though. "Police are here to help, right? Well, I need help with that gutter!"

Nie Huaisang could only smile when Yu Bin admitted he had gone over his next day off and cleared the gutter for her.

Perhaps it was the innate kindness in Yu Bin. Maybe it was the shy smile. Or possibly it was the simple fact, Yu Bin surprised him. He wasn't sure but he enjoyed the man's company. He did indeed.

He placed the files he had gathered for tonight's operation in his briefcase. He looked at the files Jiang Cheng had given him, thinking. He added them to his briefcase as well.

As he walked out of the station, he pulled out his phone. A few moments later he was listening to it ring.


"It's me. I have another job for you and this one has a rush on it. Is that possible?"

"Of course, Inspector."

"Excellent. I'll get you the information this evening. It may take both of you."

"We have nothing pressing currently so that is acceptable."

"Thank you. This one is personal. The faster, the better. Good night, Song Lan."


32000¥ = $5000

The things I do for chocolate... 😊😊😊

Smiles and Hugs!

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