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Jiang Cheng arrived two hours late for work. He wasn't happy. 

After getting iced, bandages changed (which he didn't mind too much since Dr. Yu did it), driving home to shower with surgical gloves on to keep his bandages dry, get dressed and then drive into the station - it had been a busy morning.

He paused outside the main office then walked in. Silence descended as everyone realized the Inspector had arrived. He stood firm. There was no way to hide the bruises on his face or the bandages on his hands. He had done his best.

What he didn't expect was the sudden wave of applause that turned into a standing ovation. His cheeks flushed and his ears went scarlet.

He was so surprised, he grinned then winced as the bruises protested. He nodded to everyone as he went to his office and they bowed respectfully in return.

In his wake, Liu Tingyu followed. One look at his hands and she knew he was going to need help. A respectful knock and she was in his office then closing the door.

He was trying to get a Coke open. She slipped it from his hand, opened it and returned it.

"Thank you, Sergeant."

"You're welcome, sir. Now what are you doing here?" she asked sternly.

He looked at her face and the concern there.

He told her the truth.

"I had to show everyone despite everything that happened yesterday, I wasn't down for the count.**" It was a simple statement.

"I understand that, sir. What were the doctor's instructions, please?" As a mother of three boys, Liu Tingyu knew the exact tone to take. Comforting but no nonsense.

"Ice for not more that twenty minutes at a time several times today, no typing and leave work early to get some sleep." he mumbled.

"Very sensible, sir. I'll arrange for the ice to be bought to you every hour. The rookie who guarded your sleep will type for you when necessary. You will of course eat a real meal at lunch so your body can mend. I will have it delivered. What time did you want to leave?"  The Sergeant arranged everything smoothly before Jiang Cheng could even complain.

"An hour early I guess." he said.

"I will set a notification on my phone to remind you, sir. Is there anything else?"

"No. Liu Tingyu? Thank you." He gave a half smile to accommodate his bruises.

"You are more than welcome. Just make sure you eat your lunch." she wagged a finger at him.

A quick salute. "Yes, ma'am."

She grinned, then it faded as she held out a manilla envelope.**

"These are the pictures you requested, sir." she said as she laid it on his desk.

"Thank you, Sergeant."

"You're welcome, sir." A bow and she left. Off to arrange for ice and get the rookie.

Jiang Cheng sat down at his desk and pulled out his phone.


"ShiJie? Can you stop by the station this morning? We need to talk about Mot-" he cleared his throat. "About Madame Yu and I don't want Di-di to overhear."

"I can be there in an hour. Does that work for you?"

"That will work just fine. I'll see you then. Drive safe."

"I will, Cheng-Cheng."

With the call over, Jiang Cheng pulled the envelope to him. He didn't want to look at them ever again but he needed to know what he was showing ShiJie. A frustrated grumble of anger rumbled in his chest.

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