Day 6 Part 2

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Song Lan was at his computer still not sure what he was seeing. He was looking at the records of the youth homeless shelters Madame Yu was involved with. The records were reasonably public because it was a charity. The number of teens who were using the facilities was impressive. There were a dozen scattered throughout poorer sections of Beijing. Song Lan looked again at the supply numbers. It just didn't look right. There wasn't nearly enough food being purchased to feed that number of teens.

He started scrounging his way through other charities helping the city's poor and homeless populations. Most of them had at least twice the amount allocated for food for equivalent numbers of people using the service. Why wasn't there more food?

Was it because the teens were transient? Staying a day or two and moving on? That didn't make sense because the other charities would be experiencing that as well. Song Lan got up to get a cup of tea and pace. If their mission was to help get teens off the streets before they got into real trouble, why weren't they feeding the kids while they were there? What the hell was going on at these shelters?

He peeked into their bedroom. Xiao Xingchen was sound asleep and sprawled over most of the bed. He hadn't gotten home until 6:30 am and then had a cup of tea with Song Lan while going over the pictures. The license plate was registered to one Jin Guangshan. It was proof of a romance, or more accurately an affair probably, between Jin Guangshan and Madame Yu. 

They thought it explained why she had joined the charity's board but now Song Lan wasn't so sure. He sipped his tea and paced. His intuition was nagging at him. The low numbers for supplies and the high number of teens. It was off. Wrong. He glance at his watch. It was only 9:02 am. He would wait until noon to call Nie Huaisang. Maybe he had someone who looked young enough to get into one of the shelters and see what was going on.

He set the alarm on his watch and crawled in bed to snuggle his Star.


Nie Huaisang and Yu Bin had been standing on the deck lost in each other for awhile now. A few kisses here and there and just looking at each other. Being in each other's arms.

"I brought you coffee." Nie Huaisang's voice was low. He was more relaxed than he'd been in years. Literally.

"I picked up the stuff to make you coffee this morning. I hope almond milk is okay." Yu Bin was all smiles at the surprise on Nie Huaisang's face.

"For me? Really? You would do that for me?" he couldn't believe it. People didn't do things for The Spider unless they wanted something. But Yu Bin? Yeah, he would do that and expect nothing in return.

Nie Huaisang was beginning to wonder if the smile he was wearing would be permanent.

"Of course for you." Another soft kiss.

Before things could get started again, Lan Wangji cleared his throat. He'd gone through his tai chi twice and was desperately ready for a shower. Some jasmine tea wouldn't hurt either.

Yu Bin turned to Lan Wangji and went a stunning crimson. He had totally forgotten the man was out here. Nie Huaisang hadn't moved an inch from Yu Bin's arms when he looked at Lan Wangji and smiled.

"Good Morning, how are you today? Did you sleep well?"

Lan Wangji arched an eyebrow. Looked like Nie Huaisang was just going to brass it out. That worked.

"Not particularly well. Today, I am sweaty and thirsty. Excuse me please." Lan Wangji gestured toward the door.

"Of course! We're just going in as well. A'Bin is going to make me a caramel latte!" Nie Huaisang was almost dancing at the idea. Yu Bin heard the nickname and turned crimson all over again.


Lang Wangji decided that would be the safest response for everyone.


Jin Zixun was pacing outside his father's office waiting for his ten o'clock appointment. He had put off telling him the 'news' as long as he felt he could. His father was going to lose his shit in an epic way. No two ways about it. Jin Zixun's only hope was to tell him at his office. He had more control there since he had to consider what might be seen or heard.

He had spent the past few days trying to come up with some way to get the video from Wen Chao. No matter what he came up with he ran into the same two problems. One, he had no idea where the asshole would hide the copy or, as was most likely, copies. If he missed one, it was all over. And Two, even if he were to kill Wen Chao, he had to get him some where private to do it. He had learned his lesson. No possible witnesses.

A thought occurred to him. Hell, he might as well enjoy Wen Chao's screams like he had enjoyed the whore's. Wen Chao was no where as pretty as that boy had been but he would do. Maybe a whip... He felt the lust begin to warm his belly as he planned what he would do to Wen Chao with that whip. He pulled himself back.

'Wait. Now is not the time for this but later? Definitely.' he thought. His father's secretary glanced at her phone as it buzzed.

"You may go in now. The Mayor is ready to see you." she looked at Jin Zixun steadily. Not a hint of give in her gaze. She found the man loathsome and had heard enough of the screaming matches in the office to know she was right.

Jin Zixun was nervous enough he didn't even notice. He opened the door and closed it quietly.

Ten minutes later there was an enraged scream. Then the Mayor's voice was roaring, "You did what?"

The secretary sent a message telling the Mayor she had a family emergency and would be leaving immediately. Quickly, she logged out of her computer, grabbed her purse and left. She didn't want to know.


He was curled up in a ball in a closet. Buried under a blanket that still smelt of his mother. She had died eight days ago. He felt so alone. Now, all he had were his aunties.  He knew they were trying to hide him from Wen Chao and he was grateful.

The man terrified him. Wen Chao had hit his mother often. He had tried to stop him but Wen Chao was just too big and he was just too small. Eight days ago, clinging to Wen Chao's back trying desperately to save his mother, he had watched horrified as Wen Chao had punched her at the top of the rickety stairs. She had fallen backwards.

"MOTHER!" had ripped from his throat. His hand thrown outward as if, somehow, he could catch her.  His hold had loosened in his shock as he watched her tumble wildly downward. Wen Chao took advantage of it and grabbing the boy, slung him against the wall. Everything had gone dark and he hadn't minded. He had seen her at the bottom. Her neck bent where it shouldn't bend. Her eyes blankly staring. Wen Chao had killed her.

He wasn't sure how long he lay unconscious. He only knew he wanted to be knocked out again. He didn't want to hurt anymore. He didn't want to be beaten by Wen Chao again. He didn't want his mother to be dead. He just wanted to lay in the darkness and know nothing.

The door was suddenly slung open. He desperately pushed himself against the back wall of the closet shielding his eyes.

"So here's where those bitches hid you. I'll deal with them later. You are coming with me."

He was pulled kicking and screaming from the closet then hit until he just laid limp on the floor panting from the pain. A rough hand grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him to his feet.

"That's better. I have things to do and I have plans for you." He was pulled stumbling and limping behind Wen Chao as the man laughed.

Gods, that man is loathsome.

HUGS to all. Remember, I promised a happy ending.

Someone pass the tissues, please? Used all mine writing the last bit.


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