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Nie Mingjue gave a small polite bow.

"As we haven't been introduced, I'm Inspector Nie Mingjue. Nie Huaisang's older brother."

She returned his bow. "Dr. Yu Qing. Yu Bin's older sister. It
is a pleasure to meet you."

The two figures walking down the hallway couldn't be any more different if they tried. Nie Mingjue was just over a foot taller than the woman by his side, but in no way did it make her seem weak or powerless. She walked in a quiet, settled knowledge of who she was and her position in the world.

Nie Mingjue found that very attractive.

He politely opened the door for Yu Qing and gestured for her to proceed him down the stairs.

"So, it appears our little brothers are happily canoodling**." he said, then fought the urge to slap his own forehead.

Yu Qing turned to look at the man behind her. So tall. Broad shouldered. Over a hundred pounds heavier than she was. An imposing figure to say the least, and he had just used 'canoodling'?

She smiled. A man not afraid to express himself as he chose.

Yu Qing found that quite appealing.

"Yes, I believe they are." she smiled. "I'm happy for them both, though I will warn you, if Huisang is not kind and honest with my di-di, he will have me to reckon with."

She was quite serious.

"I would say the same to you, but after having met Yu Bin, I can't really see him as being anything else." Nie Mingjue replied as they continued down the stairs.

"A'Bin has always been this way. Sweet. Kind. Conscientious."

"I have heard good things of him, though I have not worked with him personally."

"He loves being a police officer. I must admit I worry. Especially after what happened." Yu Qing turned to go down the next flight of stairs.

"Police work is dangerous. While it is a possibility with every interaction, rarely are we seriously injured." They had arrived at the door. Nie Mingjue opened the door for her, and they walked on to the maternity ward.

No one batted an eye as they emerged and continued their conversation on the way to Recovery.

Nie Huisang was chewing his thumbnail and considering his options. His eyes were staring at the door Yu Bin would return through.

Staring and not seeing.

He wanted to go down and tear the assassin apart. Slowly.

But it wouldn't help.

If they were lucky, she would be smart enough to realize she had limited choices.

If she didn't spill everything, he would use his contacts and let it be known she was a fountain of flowing information. He had no problem with threatening her. If she didn't tell him everything, she was dead, and he wouldn't have to lift a finger.

The anger still curdled his stomach. He could put on a facade for everyone else, but lying to himself was stupid.

He sighed and switched thumbnails.

He hadn't chewed his nails in years.

A deep breath, and he made himself quit. Damn, he hated hated not having a fan with him.

He would drag down whoever did this and ensure they disappeared. Permanently, if at all possible. His ruminations were broken off as Yu Bin was wheeled in, followed closely by Lan Xichen.

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