Beginnings, Disappointments, Returns

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When the information had arrived from Nie Huaisang, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen had carefully gone through it. Discussed the possible ways to attack the problems he put forth in his message. They would keep their eyes open for the missing man but they would focus on surveillance of the suspect while investigating connections and relationships.

 Xiao Xingchen immediately volunteered to do the surveillance work. He knew Song Lan didn't particularly care for it and he didn't mind. Plus he had a new camera he wanted to run through its paces.  First, he had to find the suspect. They had no information on habits or patterns. They were starting from scratch. 

While he was sitting outside the suspect's house, Song Lan would be at home demolishing his computer digging for information both public and private. It was amazing the things people left unprotected. 

As Xiao Xingchen started toward the door to begin his surveillance, Song Lan handed him a small soft sided cooler. "Two sandwiches, an apple, a banana, three bottles of water. You forgot to eat dinner." 

Xiao Xingchen smiled and gave his lover a lingering kiss. "Thank you. For both dinner and this afternoon." he whispered. Song Lan's ears went red and suddenly he looked shy.  Xiao Xingchen loved that he was the only one who could get that response out of his tall, muscled lover. "Don't forget to eat as well. I'll keep in touch." 

A last kiss and he was out the door. 

Song Lan smiled and absentmindedly rubbed at one of his red ears. Re-focusing, he started up his computer.

Lan Wangji was frustrated. Eight hours of wandering the red light district and nothing. Not a hint of Yiling other than the vaguely uncomfortable look in the eyes of prostitutes he'd asked about him. He wanted to scream. He knew he was awkward when asking. Talking about anything but work really wasn't his forte. With any luck, they thought he was embarrassed because he was asking for a male prostitute.

The worst part was he didn't know why he was so frustrated. By nature, he was a patient man. He knew undercover work took time and some times turned up nothing. It didn't matter that he intellectually knew this. He wanted to find Yiling. Now.  All he could see were those terrified eyes and he wanted to some how make it better. Hold him until the eyes closed in sleep and not because he'd hyperventilated until he passed out. And where had that thought come from? He had seen the man conscious for less than an hour! He rubbed his knotted forehead and wished for two ibuprofen.

Yu Bin could feel the agitation rolling off the detective in waves. He had listened as the man had tried so hard and so unsuccessfully to ask where Yiling was. His attempts were painful in their ungainliness but he hadn't given up. Privately cringing, Yu Bin heard him try different approaches, different wording, more drunk, less drunk all to no avail. They were no closer to finding Yiling. The situation was even more sensitive because of Wen Chao. No one wanted to cross the bastard. If they were too insistent with their questions, word might get back to Yiling or Wen Chao. Who knew what would happen then? Not enough questions and the one person with the answer could slip through their fingers without them ever knowing. It was like walking a tightrope. Too much in either direction and they were going to fall. 

Nie Huaisang noticed the silence in the car. The hesitancy in Yu Bin. The cloud of annoyance emitted by Lan Wangji. He understood their frustration but this was the nature of undercover work. He cleared his throat. "You did well tonight. Both of you."

"Thank you." Yu Bin mumbled while glancing at Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji. "Thank you." His voice was stiff. Stern. Disappointed. 

"I am not trying to make you feel better. You spent eight hours as undercover cops in the red light district. There were no signs either of you were discovered. That is a good day, gentlemen. I didn't have much more luck than you did. I found two hundred and forty three men that specifically fit our criteria. After reading the coroner's report, I added strangulation to the list and cut it down to a hundred and twelve. Actually, that's not too bad. I called in my secretary, Ouyang Zizhen, and had him look at the records. Eight of the one hundred and twelve were in various stages of temporary incarceration like drunk tanks. So that leaves one hundred and four. Those are good odds if the perpetrator has a previous record for severe violence. He'll keep working on the list tomorrow."

The back seat was still glum. "This happens. We'll keep trying tomorrow. Remember, getting too tired in undercover work can be deadly. You make dumb mistakes and it can cost your life or worse, someone on your team. I'd rather you not push it." 

It was a sobering point but it seemed to reach Yu Bin. Nie Huaisang wasn't sure about the detective. Lan Wangji's face was damn near impossible to read unless he actually allowed it.

Tonight, Nie Huaisang, after changing cars at a wrecking yard this time, just dropped the two tired men at the door. "Good night and remember you weren't discovered. We will go back and try again. That is a win."

Brief nods and the inspector pulled away. 

"Tea?" Lan Wangji asked as they walked into the house.

"Yes, please. I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be right back."

"Mn." was the only answer he got as he entered the guest room.

The shower was incredible. 'Cleanliness is a gift of the gods.'  he thought with a contented sigh.

Toweling at his wet hair, he walked back into the living room. Lan Wangji didn't seem to be there but there were two large cups of jasmine green tea steeping. In between the two cups was a timer with two minutes and thirteen seconds left on it. Yu Bin couldn't help but smile. Even tired, frustrated and annoyed, Lan Wangji had thought to set a time to keep the tea from over steeping into bitterness. When it quietly beeped, he removed the tea balls from each cup. He placed a saucer upside down on one cup to hold the heat in and picked up the other. 

Wandering out to the dining room table he sat down and sighed. A careful sip of tea. He closed his eyes in appreciation. Mmmm. Delicate. Warm. 

He heard a door open and there was Lan Wangji. His hair was still damp. He nodded at Yu Bin and got his tea from the kitchen.

"Thank you for taking the tea ball out." A sip. Yu Bin could see the detective's shoulders drop followed by a sigh.

"You're welcome. Don't worry, sir. We'll find him." Yu Bin gave him a small encouraging smile. "We'll be there tomorrow. Perhaps that will be a better time to find him."


They finished their tea in companionable silence before heading to bed.

Yiling was surprised to see A'Yao at his window again. He gestured for the man to join him. 

"A'Yao, how are you this evening?" his smile was genuine and kind. Meng Yao wasn't sure what to think of that. Yiling was genuine. No insults hidden in backhanded compliments. No dismissal as if he wasn't worth the dirt on his shoes. In this moment, with this man, he was just another person. He hadn't felt like he had the same value as every other human in so long. 

"I am fine, Yiling. May I have two hours of your time?" Meng Yao had practiced the phrase in front of his mirror. It had helped.

That smile again. "Of course, A'Yao. One moment, please." Yiling closed the curtain and turned off the red light. He locked the door. Afterwards, he just held his hand out to Meng Yao. He had taken the hand tentatively but Yiling had been patient and just waited. Holding Meng Yao's hand, he lead the man to the bed and gestured for him to sit. Again he knelt and removed his shoes. As he began to rub the tension from Meng Yao through acupressure points on his feet, he asked a question.

"May I make a suggestion?" Yiling hadn't looked up from the foot he was rubbing putting no pressure on Meng Yao to respond.

"Yes?" There was a distinct nervousness in the tone.

"May I suggest you remove your jacket tonight, A'Yao? You will be more comfortable. Do not worry. I will not touch you in any way you do not wish me too." Yiling glanced up to make sure he was understood. 

Meng Yao nodded. He took his phone out his pocket and set the timer for two hours. After laying the phone on the bed, he took his jacket off. Another genuine smile. They fed his lonely heart.

As soon as he saw A'Yao begin to visibly relax, Yiling crawled up on the bed and opened his arms. 

Meng Yao laid down a bit more confidently this time. Laying his head on Yiling's chest and feeling his soothing fingers in his hair, Meng Yao allowed himself to put down his burdens. His sleep was deep and peaceful.


With Smiles and Hugs!

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