City at Night: Part 2

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Xiao Xingchen was working his way back to their car when he began to notice more and more people were in the streets. None of them were happy. Some were confused. Some indignant. Most were angry.

" - trafficking -"
" - fucker sold - "
" - drag him out!"

He had no idea what was going on but he knew a mob in the making when he saw it.

He started running for the car. As soon as he was in and the door locked, he shoved his ear bud in and called Song Lan.

"My Star?"

"There are large numbers of people on the streets and they are mad about something. Hang on, traffic is a disaster with people in the streets. I'm checking news services now. Do you still have A'Hao on the tracker?"

"I can see him. We're on a back street but it's only the next street over from the main thoroughfare." Song Lan whispered.

Xiao Xingchen didn't have to dig to find out what was going on. It was all over the news app. Holy fuck...

"A'Lan, the mayor is being accused of human trafficking. People are taking to the streets to protest. One spark and it'll go up in flames."

"We can't leave him here." Song Lan said in alarm. "If it becomes violent..."

"Exactly. Go get our boy. Send me the address, it'll be faster than following the tracker. I'm pulling into side roads. The main one is filling up with people." Xiao Xingchen said as he started to turn left.

A man purposefully dodged in front of Xingchen and hit the hood of his car with a fist.

"Watch it, asshole!" he yelled. Shook his fist at Xingchen before he wandered off to join others clustering between cars.

Xiao Xingchen slowly moved forward but he didn't stop.

He went as fast as he could. His love and their son were out in that mess.

Jiang Cheng never made it out of the station.

He was walking toward the exit with an uncustomary smile hovering on his lips. Several of his men who walked past, shivered at the sight and resolved to pray more often since surely the Inspector was planning something particularly dreadful.

As he reached for the door knob to leave the building, he heard a voice behind him.

"Inspector Jiang! Inspector Jiang!"

He looked back to see Patrol Officer Zheng Fanxing running towards him.

"Inspector! The Chief wants everyone ranked inspector and above at a meeting. Right now. " the young man panted.

"What's going on?" Jiang Cheng frowned.

"You didn't hear the news?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"There was a news announcement. Jin Guangshan has been accused of human trafficking. The Chief is afraid there will be trouble."

Jiang Cheng was already heading back to his office to dump his coat before hurrying to the meeting room.

The room was full of people and whispers that fell into pin drop silence when the Chief walked in.

"The Xinhua News has announced they have proof indicating Jin Guangshan, the mayor, has been participating in human trafficking. Understandably, the citizens are angry and taking to the streets. So far, we have had no violence but you all know how fast that can change. I am activating the emergency system. Every officer who is physically able is to be at their stations, uniformed and ready for whatever this night brings. Riot gear is being pulled from storage lockers as we speak. Individual assignments for each unit are being formulated and will be conveyed to you as quickly as possible."

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