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It was five am before Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan were back in the room. A'Yanli's red eyes told the whole story. She had hugged her brother, kissed Wei Ying's cheek as he slept and then shown her husband Wei Yuan.

"Has he slept this whole time?" she asked Jiang Cheng.

He nodded. "Maybe he really is Wei Ying's." The siblings shared a smile filled with memories of trying to drag their little brother out of his bed in the morning.

"Who hurt him?" Jin Zixuan was angry. He had known his new nephew wasn't in good shape but knowing and seeing were two different things.

"We believe it was Wen Chao but we have no clarification as yet from A'Yuan." replied Lan Wangji. "He will tell us when he is ready."

A small notification ding came from Nie Huaisang's pocket. He checked it and smiled.

"Wen Chao woke briefly and appears to have been in pain." he said cheerily. "Looks like it's going to be a lovely day!"

Wei Ying softly grunted and tried to stretch but pain in his left side stopped him. He opened his eyes to see Lan Wangji leaning over him.

"Wei Ying? How do you feel?" his voice was laced with concern.

He smiled up at him. "Tired. Hurt but alive." His eyebrows furrowed. "Where is A'Yuan? Is he safe?"

"Yes. He is sleeping still. Would you like water?"

A nod. A straw was held to his lips by Lan Wangji. "Just a little bit, Wei Ying." A few sips and the straw was removed. "Too much may make you nauseous."

Lan Wangji was blocking Wei Ying's view of the room. Still drowsy it never occurred to him they weren't alone.

"You must know this, Wei Ying. Your brother and sister know what happened. They are here. They are safe." Lan Wangji's words were solid and settled like rocks in Wei Ying's belly. His breathing became more rapid and his eyes widened but before he could begin to truly panic, Lan Wangji cupped his face.

"I am here. I will allow no one to harm you. I will allow no one to harm them. They are safe from Madame Yu just as you are. Can you believe that?" he looked deeply into Wei Ying's eyes. "You are safe, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying looked into those brown eyes with gold flecks. He believed. His nod was hesitant, almost fearful, but he believed.

"They want to see you. They have been here all night and they are worried. Will you see them?" Lan Wangji's gaze never faltered.

"They don't hate me?" it was a tiny broken whisper. Tears stood in his eyes. Wei Ying's fear of the answer was obvious.

"No. They love Wei Ying." His voice was firm with conviction.

The rest of the room was silent, watching the two men. Even Jiang Cheng realized there was something between them. Nie Huaisang was smiling to himself and wondering what he should wear to the wedding.

Lan Wangji nodded over his shoulder then returned his gaze to Wei Ying. He delicately pulled his hands away from Wei Ying's face and recaptured the hand he had held most of the night. He wasn't going anywhere.

Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng walked up to the bed across from Lan Wangji as he straightened. Wei Ying couldn't bring himself to look up at them. He was so ashamed. It didn't matter whether he had a choice. What mattered is what he had had to do so many times. How could they come near him? He wasn't clean anymore and never would be again.

"Di-di?" It was Jiang Yanli's voice. The tears began to fall down his cheeks. His grip tightened on Lan Wangji's hand.

"Di-di? This is not your fault. I love you and I always will, little brother." Jiang Yanli's voice was choked on her tears.

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