Before the Storm

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Jin Zixuan, feeling considerably more relaxed than earlier, silently opened his brother's door but paused with it only cracked.

He could hear Lan Xichen speaking to his brother.

"It will be okay, A'Yao. We'll get everything figured out. Shhhh..." the doctor's deep voice comforted. Soothed.

It took a second for Jin Zixuan to realize his little brother was apparently curled up in the larger man's lap.

Meng Yao had always been slight of build. Slender and at five foot six inches, well, tiny compared to his older brother. He was entirely hidden by Lan Xichen's six foot two, broad shouldered build.

"When you're feeling better, may I cook you dinner?"

"Y-you would want to cook for m-me?" Meng Yao stuttered in his astonishment.

"Mn. Very much. I make a mean xiang long bao.** They are Wangji's favorite." affirmed Xichen.

"I like to cook too. My japchae** is really good. Well, at least I think so." Meng Yao's voice wasn't much above a whisper but he seemed excited. He sniffled.

Lan Xichen reached into the pocket of his white coat and pulled out a small packet of tissues. He removed a single tissue.

He seemed to be wiping Meng Yao's eyes.

"Better? Here." he said as he got a second tissue. "Blow your nose. You'll breath a bit easier."

His voice was kind. Caring.

Jin Zixuan looked down at his wife who was eavesdropping as eagerly as he was.

They grinned at each other and closed the door.

Inside the room, Lan Xichen continued holding Meng Yao. Clueless the moment had been witnessed by anyone else.

He was perfectly content. Holding the smaller man was comfortable.

It felt good.

Meng Yao's head was leaned against his chest. Seemingly as content with the situation as he was.

"May I ask a question?" Xichen asked, his voice still soothing.


"Why didn't you turn the evidence into the Prosecutor's Office or the police?"

"I know there are others being paid off by the traffickers. It only makes sense. Problem is I don't know who they are. I was afraid the information would be suppressed. Disappear. Then I would disappear. How long until they asked Jin Guangshan who had access to that information? I'd be dead and everyone would know what happened to those who revealed the traffickers but no one would know what their mayor was doing. No one would be saved. The news agencies make a living revealing information. I had hoped it would already have been splashed across every news venue but I don't think it has." He looked up at Lan Xichen.

"I have heard nothing regarding it."

A sigh. "As for the tax collectors, have you ever seen one who wasn't angry at the thought of a single yuan being missed?"

Lan Xichen chuckled. It was a pleasant laugh. "Now that you mention it, no."

"If no one else would look into it, I knew they would." His voice became even softer. "I also thought I would have a better chance to survive, at least succeed, if all the information was already out there. They might kill me to prove a point but it wouldn't stop everyone from knowing."

He couldn't help snuggling a bit further into Lan Xichen's chest. His heartbeat was too comforting.

Lan Xichen couldn't help his arms tightening around Meng Yao. The resigned tone in his voice as he spoke of his own death. It was painful to hear.

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