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" When it looks like an ending but its only the begining "

Cold..my body feels cold..warmth..i need warmth..nezuko..
" Dont worry nezuko!! Ill save you!! Your big sister will save you!!"
A young girl said while walking to the thick snow..begging her sister to stay alive for her big sister to save her..

"Im so sorry if we leave you like this my sweet Y/n.."
A mother says to an certain young female ,
"Please..take care of nezuko.."

Narrators point of view

A certain young female are getting ready to go to the town, "y/n" a woman said she looks at the woman and smiled as she walk towards her, the woman smiled back and wipe the dirt in her cheeks " you know..you dont have to do this dear the snow is kinda too thick to walk in " the woman also known as her mother said to the young girl and she smile " daijubou oka san ill be okay besides, when i come back i know that i have some money" she said to her mom only earning an gentle smile from her mom " you really are an hardworking girl..im proud of you " the girl smiled and then a two young kids run towards to the young female " big sis!! I want to go with you!!!!" The girl named hanako says, the boy next to her nod " mhm!!! I want to go with you too!!!" he said to her big sister " dame,(no) your big sister cant carry you two when both of you get tired, especially the snow is too thick to walk at " the mother said to the two young kids the girl whined "ehhhh?!!!! But we wanna go!!!" She said "no is a no hanako" the mother said sternly" the girl whined more and run towards her sister and and suddenly hug her " big sis!! We wanna go!!! " she said to her big sister the girl smiled and kneel in front of her " hanako please.. Dont be stubborn you too takeo listen to mama okay??" She said gently "ehhhh?!!!!" " dont worry hanako ill bring you some sweets when i get back " she said and the girl smiled and yelled "really???" Y/n nods happily "yayyyy!!!!!" Hanako happily cheer so does takeo " ohh shigeru " she said as a young boy look at his big sister " your gonna be alone for now gathering some woods im going to the town!!!" She said to the young boy the boy "tsked" and looks at her " i can do it myself!! Im not a kid anymore!! " he said her big sister along with her mother takeo and hanako look at him, shigeru spoke or mumbled " i was hoping to do it with you nee san.." He said and looks away, however the young girl heard what his little brother said and smiled as she go towards him and pat and brush his hair "yoshi yosh" the boy got emberrased heat rise to his cheeks as she furiously back away to her big sister "hey!!! I told you!! Im not a kid anymore!!!" He said emberrased "ha!!! Look at nii chan!! Hes blushing " takeo laughs and along with others who laughs at his reaction.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Take care big sister!!!! Bye²!!!!"

Y/n look back and waved " i will!!!" She said while waving, on her way an certain female waits for her "nee san!!!! " she look where the voice came from "ohh!! Nezuko" She said " are you going out of town ?" Nezuko said "ohh yeah!!!! Im gonna sell some coals" she said and the girl smiled "ohh rokuta is here alseep in my back if he was awake im sure theres gonna be some trouble..you know that he gets more close and clingy to you especially when..papa past away " she said while looking at her back where the certain young boy sleeping y/n smiles and pets the little boy's head " i better Get going now" she said nezuko smiled "take care nee san " y/n waved a goodbye..

a certain madrigal go outside from the certain unknown town..


*✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**

But little did she know danger awaits
Ahead of her..

*✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**

"Oiii!!!! We shouldnt go outside camilo!!! Its dangerous!!!!" A 13 years old girl with a green glasses said "huhh???? I didnt hear you primaa!!~" a certain curly haired boy said to her prima also known his cousin " we shouldnt go outside encanto!!! Its dangerous!!!! " she said Again to the curly haired boy " dont worry mirabel!! Mami knows that im just hanging out with my friends!!"
"Thats the problem!! What if shes gonna end up finding you because your NOT actually hanging out with your--" "whoa..mirabel look.." The boy said to her cousin " huh what--..what the.." She said and gasped..they couldnt believe it..outside of the unknown town..is a beautiful scenery but..why is it white and snowy..??? "Why--..its snowing outside?????" Mirabel said the curly haired boy only have an gape mouth "how--" "cAmilooo!!!! Mirabel!!! Prima!!hermanoo where are you two!!!" An certain voice said both of them flinch "primo i think we need to go now!!!" Camilo hurriedly goes back inside the trees "lets go!!" He says and runs inside meanwhile mirabel hurriedly goes inside the trees not before taking a last glance outside the unknown town..and she saw an young person from far away she cant see their face but they had an pretty weird clothing for winter green and black almost like an chest board game..its not an ruana but shes certain that..

"She will meet that young girl someday".

932words(Ω Д Ω)

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