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"The Fallen home"

Narrator's point of view

Y/n was just training again, trying to control his breathing right especially when she's using fire breathing oe hinokami but y/n wonder..will she really able to do it..She frown when she suddenly remember rengoku's death..rengoku for her she's like a big brother so does zenitsu and inosuke think so too and she wonder how are the two of them doing..are they okay???? ' maybe..i..no..i cant..' "Caww!!!!" She look up so see her crow , who landed in the rock near by her " caw!! I finally deliever the message to oyakata sama and he told to the other hashira that your okay caw!! So does zenitsu and inosuke know that your doing fine!!! Caw!!!! " her crow said as she sigh in relief.." Im glad..i really dont want them tp worried about me..theyre gonna be distract because of worrying about me " she said then she feel the ground shake a bit that make her kasugai crow startled "caw!!!!" " what the??? Whats going on?!!" She said then a plant pop out of nowhere..except its excotic...?? I mean..its full of spikes " what is that..??? Ehhhh?!" She said and look down to see the town was full of this excotic plants " i..i need to go!!!! I want to know whats happening.. --" she was cut off by her crow "caw!! Look!!!" She look at the direction to see the casita was full of more excotic plants " What the--- i need to go there!!!" She said as she pick up her katana and her haori " caww!!! Wait!! You cant go there looking like that!! Caww!!! " she looks at her clothing amd yup she's wearing her uniform "ohh..right..hm..i need to go in de la cruz household..quick!!!!" She runs down in the mountain and she jump to house and another house as she reach the de la cruz household then she goes inside the house and quickly change into her big lose collar polo and wears her ruana "caw!!! I can hear some aruing as i go there!! I think theyre somehow arguing " the crow said and y/n sniff the air "somethings gonna happen..a bad one.." She said and goes outside just then when she's running towards the casitacracks apear " what the--? " she said then she jump to the house " cracks..??? Whats going on she sniff the air "mirabel's..scent..is she..angry..?? Sad..mirabell!!!!!--" when she's near the casita she saw the madrigals was push by casita out except..mirabel.. " she jump down "mirabel!!! " her mom said as she watch her daughter goes to the candle y/n behind them was stunned and tense ' should i..???..no time now..i need to save her!!!' She thought"y/n??" Dolores said as all of them look behind to see a girl "no time.." She said as y/n quickly goes inside the casita ignoring the calls "y/n!!!" " what are you-??" "Mija its dangerous!!! Stop!!!!" ' i dont want anything bad happen to mirabel.. She dont deserve it!!!!' She jump to the other fallen concrete "mirabel!!!!" She shout as mirabel look at her "y/n?!! What are you-ahh!!" Mirabel falls from the roof , good thing y/n able to catch her " what are you doing here?!! Its dangerous " she said to her " im the one who's suppose to say that!!!" Y/n said carrying her in bridal style as mirabel looking at the candle she's holding " the candle..is not lighting..anymore.." She frowned looking at it while y/n was jumping to concrete to another concrete ' if i jump towarsds the door and run foward were gonna end up injured..' She thought as she look behind her to see a big concrete she runs in the other way " mirabel!! Trust me!!!! Close your eyes!!!" Mirabel looked at her and nod as she close her eyes, y/n looked forward ahead seeing the other madrigals looking at them in horror , y/n looked at them and smiled as she nod the big concrete fall in front of y/n and mirabel as the madrigals was left in the other side not seeing them anymore because of the big concrete falls in front of them " lets take the other way she run and jump to the side as the big last wall fallen.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"N-Nooo!!!!!!! Mirabel!!!!!" Julliets shouts as she see her daughter was being carried by an girl that name was y/n is that what dolores said "y-y/n!!!! Mirabel!!!!!!" They looked forward as the concrete was gonna fall in front of them but before that they say y/n looking at them "y/n!!! mija!!!!!" Felix shouts and camilo was looking at them stunned to speak , they saw y/n smile and nod as the concrete finally falls in front of them left them in shock "y...Y/n!!!!!!!" Camilo shout in fear he can hear his own heart beating so fast he was really stunned 'n-no...' He thought.. "N-nooo!!!!!!!" He shout in pain and agony seeing her 'last smile' before the casita finally fallen as the others was stunned and surprised to what happen "n-no..".. " y/n!!!!! Y/nnnn!!!!! Mirabel!!!!! " luisa said shouting " lets find them.. " jullieta said as the other nod " its gonna be Okay mi mijo..im sure both of them are fine " felix said comforting his son camilo nod as they start to find the two of them "abue-" dolores was cut off " its okay dolores..go find them" abuela said to her grand daughter , dolores nod as alma starts to walk away from the casita towards the near by small forest as the others start finding the two of them '..this is my fault.. If i didnt hold on..too tight..' Alma thought feeling guilty to what happened then " abuela!!!! " someone shout her name she look towards ahead to see mirabel and y/n the two of them smiled " m-mirabel..mi mija!! " she hug her , " im..im so sorry.. " alma said apologizing , mirabel smiled at her " its okay.. Abuela" mirabel smiled " uhm.." Y/n said as she look at them "ill leave you two alone be mirabel.. Mrs madrigal its better the two of you work things , plus i need some uhhh---.. Alone time?? " she said to them making mirabel nod as alma smiled at her " thank you for saving mirabel mija" alma said to her as y/n smile " no need to thank me mrs madrigal , ill leave for now " y/n nod and starts walking away.


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