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"The chess like clothing and she knows"

Narrator's point of view
Y/n kasugai was just keep informing her about whats happening in past few days outside encanto oyakata sama give her a mission outside the encanto but not too far so when the nightfalls she wears her uniform so does haori she took her katana as he saud goodbye to her papa de la cruz " dont worry mi mija..just please.. Be careful on your mission" he said while hugging her as she nod " i will papa..ill be back till sunrise..i promise " she said to him as y/n kneel in front of the wooden box "nezuko..ill get going now..please.. Dont give too much trouble for papa de la cruz.. Ill be back till sunrise, i promise nezuko " she said and pat the girl's head , nezuko only nod and hug her "hmm" nezuko hummed.

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'Ahh..there it is Again.. That nezuko name..i remember what cecilia said to me..she said..a wooden..box..but she never said whats inside of it..' Dolores thought as she hears y/n and nezuko 'talking' to each other yup dolores 'knows' especially she knows too that she's leaving encanto for a..mission..?? Ohh right she is a hunter/slayer ' i wonder if its really nezuko is in that box..'

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Mirabel was outside of casita but its night she cant sleep but she's really glad that casita was okay now she was walking when suddenly "huh..??" She said as she saw a person shadow it was almost sunrise ' who's that..waittt.. That..clothing..' She thought and hid as her eyes widen, the chess like clothing she see that before , she swear..she knew that she see that clothing before ' what..??? Who's that -...waittt.. Y/n..???' She thought as she see y/n goes down from the roof she sniff the air which made mirabel look at her confused ' why is she-'.. "Mirabel..??? Why is her scent so strong..?? Strange..domo..konnichiwa.. Is someone there???" Y/n said mirabel quickly put a hand to her mouth. 'W-what the..??? How can she know that im here?!! And scent..?? Does she have a super sense or something??' She thought to herself , then suddenly "caw!!" A crow land to y/n shoulder "ohh..your here now did you deliever the message now?" Y/n said talking to the crow "caw!! Yes!! Oyakata sama finally recieve the message you want to give!! Caw!!" ' did..that crow just talk..???!!!' Mirabel was shock how can a crow talk?? " strange..i thought i smell mirabel's scent " y/n said "caw!! I think it was because she's always here!! Maybe she drop something that belongs to her caw!!" Kasugai crow said to hee which made y/n nod "maybe..i gotta go now i dont want to make papa de la cruz worried and 'nezuko' too.. I wonder if she's out of her box..and spend some time outside the box.." She said smiling softly 'Nezuko..??? Who's that..?? Is her friend??? But..they never come out..' Mirabel thought again to herself as she watch y/n walk away and she was surprised that she jump to the house and then another house "..i knew it..she's.. the person i spot when i was 13..near outside the Encanto..".

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Mirabel quickly finds dolores hoping she could find a little clue about that named 'nezuko' " dolores!! Hey!!!" She whispered yelled not want to freak the girl out , dolores look at her direction "hm..?? What is it mirabel" she said as mirabel goes towards her "so i was just wondering..do you ever heard y/n said a name 'nezuko'..??" Mirabel said as dolores look at her surprised "hm..to be honest.. Yes..once i heard her said that name when she go home early in antonio's party" she said to her "why mirabel?? Why did you ask me that??" Mirabel was stunned "i..uhhh---.. You see earlier before sunrises i was walking outside the casita then i see y/n 'walking' with a weird..clothing.. And you know dolores??? The weird thing is she has like supersense like she even know i was there because she smell what i smells like and..the creepy part is..a crow landed on her shoulder and talk.." This made dolores look at her eyes widen, "hmm..is that so?? I never knew crows could talk..and maybe thats what i head before y/n said shes gonna go outside encanto" "she go outside??" " i think so thats why you spotted her earlier before sun rises , but..mirabel we dont know what really y/n's life outside encanto.. Maybe lets keep it a secret for now..we dont want her to freak out when the whole madrigal knows about that" dolores said making mirabel look at her and nod "mhm..its better to keep it for now..thank you prima ill be going now" dolores nod at her.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Good morning y/n!!!" Mirabel said as she look at Mirabel, "ohh!!! Ohayo Mirabel-" she stop which mirabel look at her confused "ohayo..??? Whats that???" She said confused "ohh!!! It means good morning!!!" "Ohhh!!! Thats why"mirabel mumble which y/n heard "by the way!! Y/n mama wants to meet you!! And papa too" she said as y/n nod "okay then , i would love to meet your parents" she said as the both of them walk towards the casita.

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"Mama!!!" Mirabel shouts as she walks towards the kitchen, " ohh mi mija what is it?" Jullieta said and she see y/n next to her "oh my , you must be y/n its really nice to meet you" jullieta said to her which y/n nod "its a pleasure to meet you in formal mrs madrigal im y/n kamado desu, im really glad to have a friend like mirabel she's really helpfull and kind " she saud as she nudge mirabel who only smile at her "thank you mija, and im really thankfull that you save mirabel " she said ,y/n nod " your welcome mrs madrigal " mirabel look at her " ayy!!! Just call mama tia jullieta!! " mirabel nudge her "Eh???" Y/n said as jullieta nod "she's right mija " jullieta said to her "ohh..okay.. Uhhh---.. Tia jullieta " she said as the both of them laugh.

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"So, you been..traveling around outsude encanto?? , but mija isnt it dangerous??" She said to her which y/n smiled at her "its truee sometimes its quite dangerous but im really use to it " she said to her which made her more worried ' how can she be okay..?? Does she knows that..maybe man eating human are still living outside???' She thought looking at the 15 year old girl "ohh!! Ill be going now mirabel, tia jullieta i need to clean the de la cruz household" she said as the two of them nod "okay them mija , go ahead now " she said and go outside the kitchen " i never knew she only travel especially alone outside encanto.. " mirabel's mother mumbles at Mirabel look at the door where the young girl goes out '..hmm..i wonder if i can ask her about her past..'

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"Papi.." Dolores said as she walks towards his father "hmm??what is it dolores?? Is there something wrong mi mija??" Felix said to her "uh..remember.. When you tell me a story,..outside encanto?" She said while felix look at her daughter confused then remembers, "ohh...you mean..man eating..humans..why you suddenly ask me this??" "U-uh.. Papi...theyre.. Theyre still living outside the encanto.." She saud making felix eyes widen "what..?? I thought its just a story..i heard it to my abuela long time ago..how do you so sure about that mija??" Her father said towards her "its y/n.." "Y/n?? You mean the girl who save mirabel's life?" Dolores nod "y/n..she's.. A hunter papi..a Demon slayer a hunter who kill man eating human.." Her father looks at her..shock.

"How...how are they still alive to this day???"


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